首页> 外文期刊>Biology Open >The marbled crayfish as a paradigm for saltational speciation by autopolyploidy and parthenogenesis in animals

The marbled crayfish as a paradigm for saltational speciation by autopolyploidy and parthenogenesis in animals




The parthenogenetic all-female marbled crayfish is a novel research model and potent invader of freshwater ecosystems. It is a triploid descendant of the sexually reproducing slough crayfish, Procambarus fallax , but its taxonomic status has remained unsettled. By cross-breeding experiments and parentage analysis we show here that marbled crayfish and P. fallax are reproductively separated. Both crayfish copulate readily, suggesting that the reproductive barrier is set at the cytogenetic rather than the behavioural level. Analysis of complete mitochondrial genomes of marbled crayfish from laboratory lineages and wild populations demonstrates genetic identity and indicates a single origin. Flow cytometric comparison of DNA contents of haemocytes and analysis of nuclear microsatellite loci confirm triploidy and suggest autopolyploidisation as its cause. Global DNA methylation is significantly reduced in marbled crayfish implying the involvement of molecular epigenetic mechanisms in its origination. Morphologically, both crayfish are very similar but growth and fecundity are considerably larger in marbled crayfish, making it a different animal with superior fitness. These data and the high probability of a divergent future evolution of the marbled crayfish and P. fallax clusters suggest that marbled crayfish should be considered as an independent asexual species. Our findings also establish the P. fallax– marbled crayfish pair as a novel paradigm for rare chromosomal speciation by autopolyploidy and parthenogenesis in animals and for saltational evolution in general.
机译:单性生殖全雌性大理石纹小龙虾是一种新颖的研究模型,是对淡水生态系统的强力入侵者。它是有性繁殖的小龙虾Procambarus fallax的三倍体后代,但其分类学地位尚未确定。通过杂交实验和亲缘关系分析,我们在这里显示出大理石状的小龙虾和P. fallax在繁殖上是分开的。两种小龙虾都容易交配,这表明生殖屏障是在细胞遗传学而不是行为水平上设定的。对来自实验室谱系和野生种群的大理石纹小龙虾完整线粒体基因组的分析表明其遗传同一性,并表明其单一来源。血细胞DNA含量的流式细胞术比较和核微卫星基因座分析证实了三倍体,并提示自多倍体化是其原因。大理石纹小龙虾的整体DNA甲基化显着降低,这暗示了分子表观遗传机制参与其起源。从形态上讲,两个小龙虾非常相似,但大理石小龙虾的生长和繁殖力要大得多,这使其成为具有出色适应性的另一种动物。这些数据以及大理石化的小龙虾和P.fallax集群未来分化的可能性很高,这表明大理石化的小龙虾应被视为独立的无性物种。我们的发现还建立了P.fallax-大理石纹小龙虾对,它是一种通过动物的多倍体和孤雌生殖进行稀有染色体物种形成以及对盐分进化的新范例。



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