首页> 外文期刊>Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering >Water Quality Sensor Model Based on an Optimization Method of RBF Neural Network

Water Quality Sensor Model Based on an Optimization Method of RBF Neural Network




In order to solve the problem that the traditional radial basis function (RBF) neural network is easy to fall into local optimal and slow training speed in the data fusion of multi water quality sensors, an optimization method of RBF neural network based on improved cuckoo search (ICS) was proposed. The method uses RBF neural network to construct a fusion model for multiple water quality sensor data. RBF network can seek the best compromise between complexity and learning ability, and relatively few parameters need to be set. By using ICS algorithm to find the best network parameters of RBF network, the obtained network model can realize the non-linear mapping between input and output of data sample. The data fusion processing experime nt was carried out based on the data released by Zhejiang province surface water quality automatic monitoring data system from March to April 2018. Compared with the traditional BP neural network, the experimental results show that the RBF neural network based on gradient descent (GD) and genetic algorithm (GA), the new method proposed in this paper can effectively fuse the water quality data and obtain higher classification accuracy of water quality.
机译:针对多水质传感器数据融合中传统的径向基函数神经网络容易陷入局部最优,训练速度慢的问题,提出了一种基于改进的布谷鸟搜索的RBF神经网络优化方法。 (ICS)。该方法使用RBF神经网络构建多个水质传感器数据的融合模型。 RBF网络可以在复杂性和学习能力之间寻求最佳折衷,并且需要设置的参数相对较少。通过使用ICS算法找到RBF网络的最佳网络参数,所获得的网络模型可以实现数据样本输入与输出之间的非线性映射。基于浙江省地表水水质自动监测数据系统于2018年3月至2018年4月发布的数据进行了数据融合处理实验。与传统的BP神经网络相比,实验结果表明基于梯度的RBF神经网络遗传算法和遗传算法相结合,可以有效融合水质数据并获得较高的水质分类精度。



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