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It works! Lumpfish can significantly lower sea lice infestation in large-scale salmon farming

机译:有用! ump鱼可以显着降低大规模鲑鱼养殖中的海虱感染



To assess the efficacy of lumpfish grazing on attached sea lice on Atlantic salmon, six large-scale sea cages, (130?m circumference, 37,688?m3volume) each stocked with approximately 200,000 salmon 0+ smolts, were stocked with a 4, 6 and 8% density (8000, 12,000 and 16,000, respectively) of lumpfish. The sea cages without lumpfish acted as controls. Sea lice infestation levels on the salmon were monitored weekly and bi-weekly from 6 October to 17 May the subsequent year. Mortality of the lumpfish rose with decreasing sea temperatures to around 0.8% week?1and did not vary between the lumpfish groups. There were clear signs of lumpfish grazing on sea lice, with significantly lower average levels of chalimus, pre-adult and adult femaleLepeophtheirus salmonisandCaligus elongatussea lice per salmon. Lumpfish in the high density (8%) group reduced the mature femaleL. salmonisto levels equal to or lower than the counts recorded prior to the start of the study. Overall, the present results indicate that lumpfish are a suitable cold-water option for biological delousing of Atlantic salmon in large-scale production conditions.
机译:为了评估of鱼在大西洋鲑鱼上附着的海虱上放牧的功效,在六个大型海网箱(周长130?m,37,688?m3体积)中分别放养约200,000鲑鱼0+鲑鱼,分别放养4只,6只和6只。 ump鱼的密度为8%(分别为8000、12,000和16,000)。没有ump鱼的海笼用作对照。从第二年的10月6日至次年5月17日,每周和每两周监测一次鲑鱼的海虱侵染水平。随着海水温度降低至每周0.8%左右,the鱼的死亡率上升,并且between鱼组之间没有差异。有明显的迹象表明l鱼在海虱上放牧,每只鲑鱼的cha鱼,成年雌鱼和成年雌性鲑鱼Leopophtheirus salis和Caligus elongatussea虱子的平均水平明显降低。高密度(8%)组中的鱼减少了成熟雌性L。鲑鱼的水平等于或低于研究开始之前记录的数量。总体而言,目前的结果表明,ump鱼是大规模生产条件下大西洋鲑鱼生物消食的合适冷水选择。



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