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Session-RPE for quantifying the load of different youth basketball training sessions




The aim of the study was to evaluate youth basketball training, verifying the reliability of the session-RPE method in relation to session duration (-2) were monitored (HR, type and duration of workouts) during 15 (66 individual) training sessions (80±26 minutes). Edwards’ HR method was used as a reference measure of internal training load (ITL); the CR-10 RPE scale was administered 30 minutes after the end of each session. The results obtained showed that all comparisons between different session durations and workout portions revealed effects in term of Edwards’ ITLs except for warm-up portions. Moderate to strong relationships between Edwards’ and session- RPE methods emerged for all sessions (r = .85, P .001), player’s sessions (r range = .79 - .95, P .001), session durations ( 80 minutes: r = .67, P .001; ≥ 80 minutes: r = .75, P .001), and workout portions (r range = .78 - .89, P range = .002 - .001). The findings indicated that coaches of youth basketball players can successfully use session-RPE to monitor the ITL, regardless of session durations and workout portions.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估青少年篮球训练,验证在15次(66个人)训练期间(-HR)的持续时间(-2)(HR,锻炼类型和持续时间)方面,RPE方法的可靠性得到了监测( 80±26分钟)。爱德华兹的HR方法被用作内部训练负荷(ITL)的参考指标;每次疗程结束后30分钟给予CR-10 RPE量表。获得的结果表明,在不同的锻炼时间和锻炼部分之间进行的所有比较都显示出爱德华兹ITL的影响,除了热身部分。爱德华兹和会话RPE方法之间存在中等至强的关系-所有会话(r = .85,P <.001),玩家的会话(r range = .79-.95,P <.001),会话持续时间(< 80分钟:r = .67,P <.001;≥80分钟:r = .75,P <.001)和锻炼部位(r范围= .78-.89,P范围= .002-<.001) )。研究结果表明,青年篮球运动员的教练可以成功地使用会话RPE来监视ITL,而无需考虑会话持续时间和锻炼部分。



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