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Liberalism not Neo-Liberalism: Comment on Will Kymlicka’s article: “Solidarity in Diverse Societies”

机译:自由主义而不是新自由主义:评威尔·金利卡(Will Kymlicka)的文章:“多元化社会中的团结”



Will Kymlicka has been an admirably staunch defender of multiculturalism over the years, despite the tendency of many fellow scholars to echo politicians such as Angela Merkel and David Cameron in pronouncing the end of this progressive philosophy (Joppke & Morawska, 2003). He has also done much to tackle the pernicious idea, linked to this and propogated by scholars such as Robert Putnam, that immigrant diversity is damaging for solidarity (Putnam, 2007). Here, in these brief comments, I would like to question what kind of “liberal” he is.
机译:多年来,威尔·金姆利卡(Will Kymlicka)一直是多元文化主义的坚定捍卫者,尽管许多学者趋向于呼应安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)和戴维·卡梅隆(David Cameron)等政客,宣告这种进步哲学的终结(Joppke&Morawska,2003)。他还为解决这个有害的想法做了很多工作,这一想法与罗伯特·普特南(Robert Putnam)等学者鼓吹说,移民的多样性正在损害团结(Putnam,2007年)。在这里,在这些简短评论中,我想质疑他是什么样的“自由主义者”。



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