首页> 外文期刊>College & Research Libraries >Margaret Zelman Law. Cultivating Engaged Staff: Better Management for Better Libraries . Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2017. 128p. Paper, $55.00 (ISBN: 978-1-4408-5222-0). LC: 2017004832.

Margaret Zelman Law. Cultivating Engaged Staff: Better Management for Better Libraries . Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2017. 128p. Paper, $55.00 (ISBN: 978-1-4408-5222-0). LC: 2017004832.

机译:玛格丽特·泽曼法。培养敬业的员工:更好的图书馆管理。加利福尼亚州圣塔芭芭拉:无限图书馆,2017年。128页。纸,$ 55.00(ISBN:978-1-4408-5222-0)。 LC:2017004832。



A library’s most valuable resource is its staff. It is the library staff who ensure excellent customer service and research assistance to our communities, who purchase, preserve, and make accessible print and electronic resources of all kinds, and who keep the doors open early in the morning and late into the night. The work and care of library staff (including librarians and library assistants alike) keep libraries running, and they deserve the best possible support from their managers and supervisors. Patrons get the best service from staff that gets what they need from their work environment. Margaret Zelman Law’s insightful and detailed volume can help you learn more about both individual and team needs and how to better meet them. Having worked in both public and academic libraries, as well as library consortia, the author is now a consultant to libraries worldwide on organizational development and other management challenges, as well as an instructor at the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alberta. With advanced degrees in both information studies and business administration, Law brings together her experiences and the research in both fields to demonstrate how management practices impact organizational climate and provides concrete examples for how practices can be changed to improve staff engagement in any kind of library.
机译:图书馆最有价值的资源是员工。正是图书馆工作人员确保为我们的社区提供出色的客户服务和研究支持,他们购买,保存和制作各种印刷和电子资源,并在清晨和深夜保持大门畅通。图书馆工作人员(包括图书馆员和图书馆助理等)的工作和照料使图书馆保持运转,他们应得到经理和主管的最佳支持。顾客会从员工那里获得最好的服务,而员工会从工作环境中获得所需的东西。玛格丽特·泽尔曼·劳(Margaret Zelman Law)富有洞察力和详细的卷可以帮助您了解有关个人和团队需求以及如何更好地满足他们的更多信息。在公共图书馆和大学图书馆以及图书馆协会工作过之后,作者现在是全球图书馆在组织发展和其他管理挑战方面的顾问,还是阿尔伯塔大学图书馆与信息研究学院的讲师。 。 Law拥有信息研究和企业管理方面的高级学位,将她在这两个领域的经验和研究结合在一起,以展示管理实践如何影响组织氛围,并为如何改变实践以提高员工在任何类型图书馆的参与度提供了具体示例。



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