首页> 外文期刊>College & Research Libraries >Mastering Subject Specialties: Practical Advice from the Field . Ed. Karen Sobel. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Libraries Unlimited, 2016. 184p. Paper, $70.00 (ISBN 978-1-4408- 3964-1). LC 2015-043485.

Mastering Subject Specialties: Practical Advice from the Field . Ed. Karen Sobel. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Libraries Unlimited, 2016. 184p. Paper, $70.00 (ISBN 978-1-4408- 3964-1). LC 2015-043485.

机译:掌握学科专业:实地实践建议。埃德凯伦·索贝尔(Karen Sobel)。加利福尼亚州圣塔芭芭拉市:无限图书馆,2016年。184页。纸,$ 70.00(ISBN 978-1-4408-3964-1)。 LC 2015-043485。



a€? Mastering Subject Specialties aims to share honest, thorough advice from subject specialists with those who may be interested in entering similar fields or simply exploring the range of possibilities,a€? writes Karen Sobel, the editor and associate professor and research and instruction librarian for art, architecture, music, and urban planning at the University of Colorado Denver. This statement is a succinct summary of what one will find in the book, and it is a beneficial read for both new and seasoned librarians. A timely work, Mastering Subject Specialties is a helpful guide for those who need more information on how to become a subject specialist or how to move across and up the library food chain. It is filled with advice and detailed guidance from those in the field and it serves as an exploration tool for anyone connected to librarianship.
机译:一个?精通学科专长旨在与可能对进入相似领域或只是探索各种可能性感兴趣的人们分享学科专家的诚实,透彻的建议。科罗拉多大学丹佛分校的编辑,副教授兼艺术,建筑,音乐和城市规划研究与指导馆员卡伦·索贝尔(Karen Sobel)写道。这句话是对本书中内容的简要总结,对于新老图书管理员来说都是有益的读物。对于那些需要更多有关如何成为主题专家或如何在图书馆食物链中向上移动的信息的人来说,掌握主题专业是一项及时的工作。它充满了本领域技术人员的建议和详细指导,是与图书馆事业有关的任何人的探索工具。



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