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Science That Matters: The Importance of a Cultural Connection in Underrepresented Students’ Science Pursuit




Recent research suggests that underrepresented minority (URM) college students, and especially first-generation URMs, may lose motivation to persist if they see science careers as unable to fulfill culturally relevant career goals. In the present study, we used a mixed-methods approach to explore patterns of motivation to pursue physical and life sciences across ethnic groups of freshman college students, as moderated by generational status. Results from a longitudinal survey (N = 249) demonstrated that freshman URM students who enter with a greater belief that science can be used to help their communities identified as scientists more strongly over time, but only among first-generation college students. Analysis of the survey data were consistent with content analysis of 11 transcripts from simultaneously conducted focus groups (N = 67); together, these studies reveal important differences in motivational characteristics both across and within ethnicity across educational generation status. First-generation URM students held the strongest prosocial values for pursuing a science major (e.g., giving back to the community). URM students broadly reported additional motivation to increase the status of their family (e.g., fulfilling aspirations for a better life). These findings demonstrate the importance of culturally connected career motives and for examining intersectional identities to understand science education choices and inform efforts to broaden participation.
机译:最近的研究表明,如果代表性不足的少数族裔(URM)大学生,尤其是第一代URM,如果他们认为科学职业无法实现与文化相关的职业目标,他们可能会失去坚持的动力。在本研究中,我们采用混合方法来探索动机模式,这些动机是在新生大学生的族裔群体中,以代际地位为指导,来追求物理和生命科学。一项纵向调查的结果(N = 249)表明,新生的URM学生怀着更大的信念,相信科学可以随着时间的推移更有效地帮助他们的社区被确定为科学家,但仅限于第一代大学生。调查数据的分析与同时进行的焦点小组的11个笔录的内容分析一致(N = 67);总之,这些研究揭示了跨文化程度的跨种族和跨种族的动机特征上的重要差异。第一代URM学生在追求理科专业(例如回馈社区)方面拥有最强的亲社会价值。 URM学生普遍报告了增加家庭地位的其他动机(例如,实现美好生活的愿望)。这些发现证明了具有文化联系的职业动机以及检查交叉身份以理解科学教育选择并提供信息以扩大参与范围的重要性。



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