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A major depression prognosis calculator based on episode duration




Background Epidemiological data have shown that the probability of recovery from an episode declines with increasing episode duration, such that the duration of an episode may be an important factor in determining whether treatment is required. The objective of this study is to incorporate episode duration data into a calculator predicting the probability of recovery during a specified interval of time. Methods Data from two Canadian epidemiological studies were used, both studies were components of a program undertaken by the Canadian national statistical agency. One component was a cross-sectional psychiatric epidemiological survey (n = 36,984) and the other was a longitudinal study (n = 17,262). Results A Weibull distribution provided a good description of episode durations reported by subjects with major depression in the cross-sectional survey. This distribution was used to develop a discrete event simulation model for episode duration calibrated using the longitudinal data. The resulting estimates were then incorporated into a predictive calculator. During the early weeks of an episode, recovery probabilities are high. The model predicts that approximately 20% will recover in the first week after diagnostic criteria for major depression are met. However, after six months of illness, recovery during a subsequent week is less than 1%. Conclusion The duration of an episode is relevant to the probability of recovery. This epidemiological feature of depressive disorders can inform prognostic judgments. Watchful waiting may be an appropriate strategy for mild episodes of recent onset, but the risks and benefits of this strategy must be assessed in relation to time since onset of the episode.
机译:背景流行病学数据显示,发作时间恢复的可能性随发作时间的增加而降低,因此发作时间可能是确定是否需要治疗的重要因素。这项研究的目的是将发作持续时间数据合并到一个计算器中,以预测在指定时间间隔内恢复的可能性。方法使用加拿大两项流行病学研究的数据,这两项研究都是加拿大国家统计局实施的一项计划的组成部分。一个组成部分是横断面精神病流行病学调查(n = 36,984),另一部分是纵向研究(n = 17,262)。结果在横断面调查中,威布尔分布很好地描述了重度抑郁受试者报告的发作持续时间。使用此分布来开发离散事件模拟模型,以使用纵向数据校准发作时间。然后将所得的估计值合并到预测计算器中。在发作的前几周,恢复概率很高。该模型预测,在满足重度抑郁的诊断标准后的第一周内,约有20%会恢复。但是,患病六个月后,随后一周的恢复率不到1%。结论发作的持续时间与恢复的可能性有关。抑郁症的这种流行病学特征可以为预后判断提供依据。对于新近发作的轻度发作,警惕的等待可能是合适的策略,但是自发作以来的时间,必须评估该策略的风险和益处。



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