首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Medicine Insights: Gastroenterology >Management of Loose, Frequent Stools and Fecal Incontinence in a Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia Patient with Oral Serum-derived Bovine Immunoglobulin

Management of Loose, Frequent Stools and Fecal Incontinence in a Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia Patient with Oral Serum-derived Bovine Immunoglobulin




Aim: Chronic diarrhea with fecal incontinence (FI) is a severe, underreported, and intractable problem in many patients for which limited pharmaceutical options exist.Methods: A retrospective case history was collected after the administration of a prescription medical food composed of serum-derived bovine immunoglobulin/protein isolate (SBI) at 5 g once daily in a patient with chronic mesenteric ischemia (CMI) for chronic loose, frequent, and urgent stools. The patient was an 84-year-old white male with a 20-year history of progressively worsening chronic diarrhea with six to eight watery stools per day (Bristol Stool Form Scale, Type 7), urgency, nocturnal diarrhea, FI, and postprandial abdominal discomfort before administration of SBI.Results: After four weeks of SBI administration, the patient had two to three soft, semi-formed stools (Bristol Stool Form Scale, Types 4 and 5) per day with no nocturnal diarrhea, urgency, or FI, as well as full resolution of abdominal discomfort. In addition, the patient expressed an enhanced quality of life (QoL): able to travel, attend social events, and perform tasks not possible before therapy.Conclusion: This case underscores how a safe, nutritional therapy may offer a new modality for physicians to address chronic loose, frequent stools with FI in patients with CMI in this difficult to manage gastrointestinal population.
机译:目的:慢性腹泻与大便失禁(FI)在许多药物选择有限的患者中是一个严重的,报告不足且棘手的问题。方法:回顾性病史是在服用由血清来源的处方药制成的处方药后收集的患有慢性肠系膜缺血(CMI)的患者,每天5 g牛免疫球蛋白/蛋白分离物(SBI),用于慢性大便,频繁和紧急粪便。该患者是一名84岁的白人男性,有20年的慢性腹泻病史,每天有6至8个水样便(Bristol Stool Form Scale,7型),尿急,夜间腹泻,FI和餐后腹部结果:施行SBI四个星期后,患者每天有两到三个软的,半形的粪便(布里斯托凳形量表,类型4和5),没有夜间腹泻,尿急或FI,并完全解决了腹部不适。此外,患者表现出更高的生活质量(QoL):能够旅行,参加社交活动以及执行治疗前无法完成的任务。结论:该病例强调了安全,营养的治疗方法如何为医师提供新的治疗方式解决了在这一难以管理的胃肠道疾病人群中CMI患者的FI慢性,频繁大便。



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