首页> 外文期刊>Ciência Rural >Floor versus cage rearing: effects on production, egg quality and physical condition of laying hens housed in furnished cages

Floor versus cage rearing: effects on production, egg quality and physical condition of laying hens housed in furnished cages




The influences of floor- and cage-rearing on egg production, egg quality and physical condition were investigated in laying hens housed in furnished cages. Two groups of 180 Isa Brown commercial layer pullets were reared in cages (CR) or floor pens (FR) and transferred to furnished cages, where their production, egg quality and physical condition was observed throughout the laying period (18-78wks of age). At 17 weeks of age, hens were placed in one of 36 furnished cages with 10 birds in each cage, each containing a nest box, perches, a dust bath, and abrasive strips. From 19 to 78 weeks of age, egg production data were collected daily. Commercial egg quality was assessed monthly. At, 19 and 78 weeks of age, claw length and feather cover were visually assessed using a four-point scale in a sample (10%) of hens. Production variables were above breeders’ standards and not significantly affected by rearing system. Dirty eggs and cracked eggs were more frequent in FR birds. Meat spots were significantly more frequent in FR hens at middle lay, but less frequently at the end of the laying period. Rearing system did not influence egg and yolk weight or unit Haugh and shell colour. Among FR hens, eggshell density, thickness and mass were significantly lower at the end of the laying period. Rearing system did not affect claw length, but the plumage of FR hens was negatively affected at the end of production cycle.
机译:研究了在有家具的笼子中饲养的蛋鸡的地面饲养和笼养对产蛋量,蛋质量和身体状况的影响。将两组180只伊莎·布朗(Isa Brown)商业蛋鸡在笼子(CR)或地板笔(FR)中饲养,并转移到带家具的笼子中,在整个产蛋期间(18-78周龄)观察它们的生产,蛋品质和身体状况。在17周龄时,将母鸡放在36个带家具的笼子中的一个笼子中,每个笼子中有10只鸟,每只鸡都有一个巢箱,栖息处,除尘浴和磨料条。从19到78周龄,每天收集鸡蛋生产数据。每月评估商品蛋的质量。在四周龄的母鸡样本中(10%),在19周和78周龄时,用四分法对肉眼的爪长和羽毛覆盖度进行评估。生产变量高于育种者的标准,并且不受饲养系统的明显影响。 FR禽类中肮脏的鸡蛋和破裂的鸡蛋更为常见。 FR母鸡在中间产蛋时出现肉斑的频率明显更高,但在产蛋期结束时则不那么频繁。饲养系统不影响鸡蛋和蛋黄的重量或单位哈夫和蛋壳的颜色。在FR母鸡中,蛋鸡密度,厚度和质量在产蛋期结束时显着降低。饲养系统没有影响爪的长度,但是FR母鸡的羽毛在生产周期结束时受到了负面影响。



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