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Sele??o de cultivares de ameixeira para regi?es subtropicais




Plum growing is widespread in temperate zones. In Brazil, the exploitation of this fruit tree is extended from the colder regions of the state of Rio Grande do Sul to the south of the state of Minas Gerais. However, cultivars exploited at subtropical regions are scarce due to competition. The present study aimed to select productive cultivars of plums adapted to Brazilian subtropical conditions. In this respect, the plum cultivars ‘Fla 87-7’, ‘Gema de Ouro’, ‘Grancoure’, ‘Harry Pickstone’, ‘Januária’, ‘Santa Rosa’ and ‘Satsuma’ were grafted on the ‘Okinawa’ rootstock ‘and evaluated by two cycles in the municipality of Lavras, MG, Brazil. The phenological development, physical and chemical properties of fruits, average number of fruits per plant, average fruit mass and estimated yield were evaluated for each cultivar. It is concluded that plum cultivars ‘Januária’ and ‘Grancoure’ are the most promising for subtropical regions, mainly due to the volume of produced fruits and the quality of fruits.
机译:李子生长在温带地区。在巴西,对这种果树的开发已从南里奥格兰德州的较冷地区扩展到米纳斯吉莱斯州的南部。但是,由于竞争,在亚热带地区开发的品种稀缺。本研究旨在选择适合巴西亚热带条件的李子生产品种。在这方面,在“冲绳”砧木上嫁接了李子品种“ Fla 87-7”,“ Gema de Ouro”,“ Grancoure”,“ Harry Pickstone”,“Januária”,“ Santa Rosa”和“ Satsuma”。并在巴西MG拉夫拉斯市进行了两个周期的评估。评估了每个品种的物候发展,果实的理化性质,单株平均果实数,平均果实质量和估计产量。结论是,亚热带地区的李子品种“Januária”和“ Grancoure”是最有前途的,主要是由于所产水果的数量和水果的质量。



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