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Simulating the effect of the North Atlantic Oscillation on frost injury in winter wheat




Climate and weather variability affect agricultural crop production. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is the variation in air pressure difference in the northern Atlantic Ocean. A positive NAO index with higher than normal air pressure near the Azores and lower than normal near Iceland results in warm and wet winters in northwestern Europe. A negative NAO index gives opposite climatic effects in this region. We determined the effect of the NAO on the risk of frost injury in winter wheat for conditions that represent northwestern Europe by applying the FROSTOL model to dynamically simulate hardening, de-hardening and other physiological processes determining frost tolerance and frost injury in winter wheat. This model uses soil surface temperature and snow cover as driving variables. In total, 53 winter seasons from 1957?58 to 2009?10 were simulated to account for historical trends and variations in the NAO. Monthly and seasonal mean NAO indices for all years within this period were categorised into positive, neutral or negative phases. The winter wheat simulations included 3 locations in Norway (Apelsvoll, ?s and Kvithamar), 2 wheat frost tolerance types and 3 planting dates. The results showed that negative NAO phases, especially in February and March, increased the risk of frost injury in winter wheat. The risk of frost injury was higher at Apelsvoll and ?s than at Kvithamar, especially in negative NAO phases or after early planting. The results obtained can be used to design crop management practices and systems with higher production security.
机译:气候和天气多变性影响农作物产量。北大西洋涛动(NAO)是北大西洋气压差的变化。 NAO指数为正值时,亚速尔群岛附近的气压高于正常气压,冰岛附近的气压低于正常气压,导致西北北欧的冬天温暖潮湿。 NAO指数为负值会在该区域产生相反的气候影响。通过应用FROSTOL模型动态模拟硬化,去硬化和其他生理过程来确定冬小麦的耐冻性和霜冻伤害,我们确定了代表西北欧洲的条件下NAO对冬小麦霜冻伤害风险的影响。该模型以土壤表面温度和积雪为驱动变量。总共模拟了1957-58到2009-10的53个冬季,以解释NAO的历史趋势和变化。在此期间内所有年份的月度和季节性NAO平均指数分为积极,中性或消极阶段。冬小麦模拟包括挪威的3个地点(Apelsvoll,?s和Kvithamar),2种耐小麦霜冻类型和3种播种日期。结果表明,负NAO阶段,特别是在2月和3月,增加了冬小麦冻伤的风险。在Apelsvoll和?s的霜冻伤害风险要比在Kvithamar高,特别是在NAO负期或早播后。获得的结果可用于设计具有更高生产安全性的作物管理实践和系统。



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