首页> 外文期刊>Climate research >Development and greenhouse gas emissions deviate from the ‘modernization’ theory and ‘convergence’ hypothesis

Development and greenhouse gas emissions deviate from the ‘modernization’ theory and ‘convergence’ hypothesis




ABSTRACT: Projections of future climate change partly depend on the assumptions made for future emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). These emissions are typically represented through an emissions scenario that posits a particular trajectory of development for the global society over the time of the projection. Since GHG emissions have a substantial impact on climate change, a relevant issue is what theories provide a good framework for addressing the drivers of GHG. We address 2 key research questions in this context: (1) Are carbon emissions attributable to structural change? If so, is it necessary to focus on the trajectories of carbon intensity or also on total emissions? (2) Does the development path of developing countries follow that of industrialized nations (convergence hypothesis) or is it suppressed in some areas and augmented in others due to world hierarchy and heterogeneity? Two development theories that have been applied to understand the drivers of GHG emissions are the modernization theory (MT) and the world economy theory (WET). In this paper, we use a statistical cluster analysis of economic data at the country level to test these theories and explore the convergence hypothesis with respect to GDP and GHG emissions. Results show no evidence of convergence among countries’ welfare and emissions in the near term as a consequence of the MT. These results suggest that caution should be exercised in using the MT as basis for developing future emissions scenarios and that more attention should be paid to the WET.
机译:摘要:对未来气候变化的预测部分取决于对未来温室气体排放量的假设。这些排放通常通过排放情景来表示,该情景假设了预测期间全球社会的特定发展轨迹。由于温室气体排放会对气候变化产生重大影响,因此一个相关的问题是,哪些理论为解决温室气体的驱动因素提供了一个良好的框架。在此情况下,我们解决了两个关键研究问题:(1)碳排放是否可归因于结构变化?如果是这样,是否有必要关注碳强度的轨迹或总排放量? (2)发展中国家的发展路径是否遵循工业化国家的发展路径(趋同假设),还是由于世界等级制度和异质性而在某些地区受到抑制,而在另一些地区却得到增强?用来理解温室气体排放动因的两种发展理论是现代化理论(MT)和世界经济理论(WET)。在本文中,我们使用国家层面的经济数据的统计聚类分析来检验这些理论,并探索关于GDP和温室气体排放的趋同假设。结果显示,没有证据表明MT会在短期内使各国的福利和排放趋同。这些结果表明,在使用MT作为制定未来排放情景的基础时应谨慎行事,应更加关注WET。



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