首页> 外文期刊>Ciência & Saúde Coletiva >A constru??o de cidades saudáveis: uma estratégia viável para a melhoria da qualidade de vida?

A constru??o de cidades saudáveis: uma estratégia viável para a melhoria da qualidade de vida?




This paper aims at discussing the importance of the Healthy City Movement as a strategy to improve the quality of life of the population. From the movement's present context both in the Brazil and in the world, a pilot experiment carried out in 1996-1998, in the cities of Dionísio and S?o José do Goiabal, in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, is presented and analyzed. Taking interdisciplinarity, intersectorality and participation as basic assumptions, the strategic planning methodology proposed by Carlos Matus was used to develop an action plan to face priority problems in the municipalities. The active participation of community groups was encouraged so that at the end of the process this methodology could be assimilated by and incorporated to the routine of municipal administrations. This paper shows some preliminary results and discusses the advantages and constraints of this process.
机译:本文旨在讨论健康城市运动作为改善人口生活质量的战略的重要性。从运动在巴西乃至全世界的现状出发,提出并分析了1996-1998年在巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州迪奥尼西奥(Dionísio)和圣何塞·杜戈亚巴尔(S?oJosédo Goiabal)进行的试点实验。以跨学科,跨部门和参与为基本假设,卡洛斯·马特斯(Carlos Matus)提出的战略规划方法用于制定行动计划,以应对市政当局的优先问题。鼓励社区团体的积极参与,以便在该过程结束时,该方法可以被市政行政管理部门吸收并纳入其日常工作。本文显示了一些初步结果,并讨论了此过程的优点和局限性。



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