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The faint young Sun problem revisited with a 3-D climate–carbon model – Part 1




During the Archaean, theSun's luminosity was 18 to 25% lower than the present day. One-dimensionalradiative convective models (RCM) generally infer that high concentrations ofgreenhouse gases (CO2, CH4) are required to prevent the early Earth'ssurface temperature from dropping below the freezing point of liquid waterand satisfying the faint young Sun paradox (FYSP, an Earth temperature atleast as warm as today). Using a one-dimensional (1-D) model, it was proposedin 2010 that the association of a reduced albedo and less reflective cloudsmay have been responsible for the maintenance of a warm climate during theArchaean without requiring high concentrations of atmospheric CO2(pCO2). More recently, 3-D climate simulations have been performed usingatmospheric general circulation models (AGCM) and Earth system models ofintermediate complexity (EMIC). These studies were able to solve the FYSPthrough a large range of carbon dioxide concentrations, from 0.6 bar with anEMIC to several millibars with AGCMs. To better understand this wide range inpCO2, we investigated the early Earth climate using an atmospheric GCMcoupled to a slab ocean. Our simulations include the ice-albedo feedback andspecific Archaean climatic factors such as a faster Earth rotation rate, highatmospheric concentrations of CO2 and/or CH4, a reduced continentalsurface, a saltier ocean, and different cloudiness. We estimated fullglaciation thresholds for the early Archaean and quantified positiveradiative forcing required to solve the FYSP. We also demonstrated why RCMand EMIC tend to overestimate greenhouse gas concentrations required to avoidfull glaciations or solve the FYSP. Carbon cycle–climate interplays andconditions for sustaining pCO2 will be discussed in a companionpaper.
机译:在古细菌时代,太阳的光度比今天低18%至25%。一维辐射对流模型(RCM)通常推断需要高浓度的温室气体(CO 2 ,CH 4 )来防止地球早期的地表温度下降到低于液态水的凝固点并满足微弱的年轻太阳悖论(FYSP,地球温度至少与今天一样温暖)。使用一维(1-D)模型,2010年有人提出,在不需要高浓度的大气CO 2的情况下,减少反照率和反射较少的云的关联可能有助于维持Archaean期间的温暖气候。 ( p CO 2 )。最近,已经使用大气总循环模型(AGCM)和中等复杂性地球系统模型(EMIC)进行了3-D气候模拟。这些研究能够通过大范围的二氧化碳浓度解决FYSP,从使用EMIC的0.6巴到使用AGCM的几毫巴。为了更好地了解 p CO 2 的这一广泛范围,我们使用了与平板海洋耦合的大气GCM来研究了地球早期的气候。我们的模拟包括冰-反照率反馈和特定的古希腊气候因素,例如更快的地球自转速度,高浓度的CO 2 和/或CH 4 ,大陆表面减少,海洋更咸,云量也不同。我们估算了早期古生动物的全冰期阈值,并确定了解决FYSP所需的定量正辐射强迫。我们还证明了为什么RCM和EMIC会高估避免完全冰河或解决FYSP所需的温室气体浓度。碳循环与气候的相互作用以及维持 p CO 2 的条件将在配套文件中讨论。



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