首页> 外文期刊>China Foundry >The in-situ Ti alloying of aluminum alloys and its application in A356 alloys

The in-situ Ti alloying of aluminum alloys and its application in A356 alloys




This research has investigated the in-situ Ti alloying of aluminum alloys and its application to A356 alloys andwheels through the evaluation of microstructure and mechanical properties. The results showed that stable titaniumcontent can be obtained by adding a small quantity of TiO2into electrolyte of pure aluminum. Under this approach, agreater than 95% absorptivity of titanium was achieved, and the microstructure of the specimens was changed to fineequiaxed grains from coarse columnar grains in the pure aluminum. In comparison with the tradition A356 alloys andwheels, the corresponding microstructure in the testing A356 alloys and wheels was finer. Although the tensile strengthwas similar between the testing and the tradition A356 alloys and wheels, the ductility of the former (testing) is superior tothat of the later (tradition), leading to an excellent combination of strength and ductility from the testing alloys and wheels



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