首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia Rural >Agronomic performance of corn and forages species in Crop-Livestock Integration system in the Cerrado

Agronomic performance of corn and forages species in Crop-Livestock Integration system in the Cerrado




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">The intercropped between cultures lead to competition for production factors such as water, light and nutrients, however currently is common for integrated cultivation of corn for forage recovery and renovation of degraded areas, diversification of the producers income and production of dry matter for no-tillage system. The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic performance and nitrogen content of corn intercropped with forage of the genuse Brachiaria and Panicum. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four repetitions. The experiment consisted of eigth treatments types of corn intercropped with: Panicum maximum cv. 'Tanzania' sowed simultaneously (MTS) or for occasion of the nitrogen fertilization at covering (TCM); Panicum maximum cv. 'Mombaça' sowed simultaneously (MMS) or for occasion of the nitrogen fertilization at covering (MMC); Brachiaria brizantha cv. 'MG-5' sowed simultaneously (MBS) or for occasion of the nitrogen fertilization at covering (MBC); Brachiaria ruziziensis sowed simultaneously (MRS) or for occasion of the nitrogen fertilization at covering (MRC), besides the corn without intercropping (MSC). When the corn reached the V6 stage, proceeded the fertilization at covering with 100kg ha-1 N for the 9 treatments. The intercropped of forage of the genuse Brachiaria and Panicum with corn did not affect the N leaf content, yield components and grain yield in relation to corn cropping. The highest dry matter yields of the forages were in the consortium sown at the occasion of the corn nitrogen fertilization at covering.
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>文化间的插种导致对水,光和养分等生产要素的竞争,但目前在综合种植中普遍存在。玉米用于草料的恢复和退化地区的翻新,生产者收入的多样化和免耕系统的干物质生产。这项工作的目的是评估间作玉米 Brachiaria 和 Panicum < / b>。实验设计是具有四个重复的随机完整块。该实验由玉米的深层处理类型组成,其中包括: 最大草皮 cv。 “坦桑尼亚”同时播种(MTS)或覆盖时施氮(TCM); 最大花生 'Mombaça'同时播种(MMS)或在覆盖物上施氮(MMC); Brachiaria brizantha cv。 “ MG-5”同时播种(MBS)或在覆盖处施肥(MBC);除玉米间作(MSC)外,同时播种(BRS)的芸苔(Bracharia ruziziensis)(MRS)或覆盖时施氮(MRC)。当玉米达到V6阶段时,对9种处理均以100kg ha -1 N进行覆盖施肥。玉米 Brachiaria 和 Panicum 间的饲草对玉米的氮素含量和产量构成没有影响和与玉米种植有关的谷物产量。饲草中最高的干物质产量是在覆盖玉米氮肥时播种的财团。



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