首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia Rural >Profitability of lettuce cultivars organic production in greenhouse and field with different tillage soil

Profitability of lettuce cultivars organic production in greenhouse and field with different tillage soil




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">It was evaluated the economical profitability of three lettuce cultivars cultivated in greenhouse and field with different tillage soil, in Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. The experiments were installed in January, June and November 2006. The experimental design was randomized blocks in split-plot arrangement in strips, with four replications. The strips corresponded to cultivation in greenhouse and field. In each strip, three lettuce cultivars (Simpson, Marisa and Vera), constituted the split-plot and were raffled in the plot represented by four tillage soil (conventional tillage with mulching peel rice, silvered polyethylene ,non- mulched soil and non-tillage soil). The mean total cost (MTC) in greenhouse was of R$0.50 bundle-1, 26% smaller than in field. The liquid revenue of R$24,270.67ha-1 cycle-1, was obtained in greenhouse and R$14,124.92ha-1 cyicle-1 in field. The non-tillage soil promoted smallest MTC and largest liquid revenue in greenhouse (R$30,724.64ha-1 cycle-1) and in field (R$22,892.71ha-1 ciclo-1) and the largest rentability index. Therefore, the organic no-tillage of lettuce in Acre in greenhouse preference and in field it provides better economical rentability than the other types of tillage and mulching of the soil.
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>评估了三种种植在温室和大田中的生菜品种在不同耕作土壤上的经济获利能力,分别位于里约布兰科,英亩巴西。实验安装于2006年1月,6月和11月。实验设计是将试块以带状分割图的形式随机排列,重复四次。这些条带对应于温室和田间栽培。在每个地带中,三个生菜品种(辛普森,玛丽莎和维拉)构成了分块地,并在以四种耕作土壤(传统的耕作覆盖有剥皮的水稻,聚乙烯银,非耕作的土壤和免耕的耕作)代表的地块中抽奖泥)。温室中的平均总成本(MTC)为0.50雷亚尔bundle -1 ,比田间小26%。在温室中获得液体收益R $ 24,270.67ha -1 循环 -1 ,在温室获得液体收益R $ 14,124.92ha -1 -1 字段中。免耕土壤在温室和田间(R $ 22,892.71ha -1)促进了最小的MTC和最大的液体收益(R $ 30,724.64ha -1 循环 -1 ciclo -1 )和最大的可出租性指数。因此,与其他类型的耕作和地膜覆盖相比,在温室中和在田间使用Acre的有机免耕莴苣具有更好的经济可租性。



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