首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia Florestal >Espacializa??o da temperatura do ar anual no estado de Alagoas com diferentes modelos digitais de eleva??o e resolu??es espaciais

Espacializa??o da temperatura do ar anual no estado de Alagoas com diferentes modelos digitais de eleva??o e resolu??es espaciais




The aim of this study was to establish a digital elevation model and its horizontal resolution to interpolate the annual air temperature for the Alagoas State by means of multiple linear regression models. A multiple linear regression model was adjusted to series (11 to 34 years) of annual air temperatures obtained from 28 weather stations in the states of Alagoas, Bahia, Pernambuco and Sergipe, in the Northeast of Brazil, in function of latitude, longitude and altitude. The elevation models SRTM and GTOPO30 were used in the analysis, with original resolutions of 90 and 900 m, respectively. The SRTM was resampled for horizontal resolutions of 125, 250, 500, 750 and 900 m. For spatializing the annual mean air temperature for the state of Alagoas, a multiple linear regression model was used for each elevation and spatial resolution on a grid of the latitude and longitude. In Alagoas, estimates based on SRTM data resulted in a standard error of estimate (0.57 o C) and dispersion (r 2 = 0.62) lower than those obtained from GTOPO30 (0.93oC and 0.20). In terms of SRTM resolutions, no significant differences were observed between the standard error (0.55 °C; 750 m - 0.58 oC; 250m) and dispersion (0.60; 500 m - 0.65; 750 m) estimates. The spatialization of annual air? temperature in Alagoas, via multiple regression models applied to SRTM data showed higher concordance than that obtained with the GTOPO30, independent of the spatial resolution.
机译:这项研究的目的是建立一个数字高程模型及其水平分辨率,以通过多个线性回归模型对阿拉戈斯州的年度气温进行插值。根据纬度,经度和海拔高度的函数,将多元线性回归模型调整为从巴西的阿拉戈斯州,巴伊亚州,伯南布哥州和塞尔希培州的28个气象站获得的一系列年度气温(11至34年) 。高程模型SRTM和GTOPO30用于分析,原始分辨率分别为90 m和900 m。 SRTM已重新采样,水平分辨率为125、250、500、750和900 m。为了对Alagoas州的年平均气温进行空间化处理,对纬度和经度网格上的每个海拔和空间分辨率使用了多元线性回归模型。在Alagoas,基于SRTM数据的估计得出的估计标准误差(0.57 o C)和离散度(r 2 = 0.62)低于从GTOPO30获得的标准误差(0.93oC和0.20)。就SRTM分辨率而言,在标准误差(0.55°C; 750 m-0.58 oC; 250m)和色散(0.60; 500 m-0.65; 750 m)估计值之间未观察到显着差异。年度空气的空间化?通过应用于SRTM数据的多个回归模型得出的Alagoas最高温度显示出比GTOPO30更高的一致性,而与空间分辨率无关。



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