An epidemiological analysis of the forms and distribution of Dengue fever in Brazil and worldwide was carried out. The National Program of Deng'/> The historical evolution of dengue prevention and control programs in Brazil
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The historical evolution of dengue prevention and control programs in Brazil




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">An epidemiological analysis of the forms and distribution of Dengue fever in Brazil and worldwide was carried out. The National Program of Dengue Control (NPDC) was evaluated based on the data available at "Diagdengue" an official computerized information system allowing to follow-up the implantation and impact of the Program. A factorial analysis was performed by means of a set of indicators contributing to variability. The indicator scores were added and the cities demanding for prior attention of the NPCD were classified for the construction of an index, which is presented three-monthly for every state, with intervals distributed between 0 and 9. The implantation of the NCPD is irregular. Cities with bad implantation are predominating in the north and northeast of the country. In the second analysis, socio-economic variables of the selected cities were added. For the association tests these cities were classified into two groups: "Bad" and "Good/Very Good", based on the association of the index of building infestation informed in the FAD (Yellow Fever and Dengue) database and the constructed index. Associations were verified based on variance analysis, trend test and trend estimate. It was observed that cities with low rates of illiteracy, efficient garbage collection and high ratio of sanitary installations are correlated with a good classification of the city according to Diagdengue.
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>对巴西和全世界登革热的形式和分布进行了流行病学分析。国家登革热控制计划(NPDC)是根据“ Diagdengue”(官方计算机信息系统)上提供的数据进行评估的,该数据可以对计划的植入和影响进行后续跟踪。通过一组有助于变异性的指标进行析因分析。添加了指标得分,并对需要提前关注NPCD的城市进行了分类,以建立一个指数,该指数在每个州每三个月发布一次,间隔在0到9之间。NCPD的植入是不定期的。植入不良的城市在该国的北部和东北部占主导地位。在第二项分析中,添加了所选城市的社会经济变量。对于关联测试,根据FAD数据库(黄热病和登革热)中告知的建筑物感染指数和建筑指数的关联,将这些城市分为“不良”和“良好/非常好”两类。基于方差分析,趋势检验和趋势估计来验证关联。据Diagdengue观察,文盲率低,垃圾收集效率高,卫生设施比率高的城市与城市的良好分类有关。



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