The scope of this cross-sectional study was to assess a possible link between contact with pesticides and the prevalence of chronic disease in the rural population in the so'/> Evaluation of the impact of exposure to pesticides on the health of the rural population: Vale do Taquari, State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)
首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >Evaluation of the impact of exposure to pesticides on the health of the rural population: Vale do Taquari, State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)

Evaluation of the impact of exposure to pesticides on the health of the rural population: Vale do Taquari, State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)

机译:评价农药接触对农村人口健康的影响:南里奥格兰德州(巴西)Vale do Taquari



> face="verdana" size="2">The scope of this cross-sectional study was to assess a possible link between contact with pesticides and the prevalence of chronic disease in the rural population in the south of Brazil. Three municipalities were randomly chosen. The sample selected was recruited over three months (2005) and was composed of 298 subjects of both sexes, between 18 and 65 years of age, who frequented public or private pharmacies for the purchase of medication. Data obtained by means of structured interviews revealed that 68.4% of those interviewed worked in rural activities, and 74.8% of these were members of families working in agriculture with contact with pesticides. The average age was 51+16.5 years of age for the interviewees with contact with pesticides and 50+17.9 years for those without contact. The sample was composed of 36.2% of men, and 57.7% of the individuals had more than four years of education. Direct or indirect contact with pesticides was associated with the report of several diseases, with neurological and oral diseases being the most prevalent. There was a link with painful conditions and individuals with contact with pesticides reported twice as many diseases. The data corroborate the literature and draw attention to the need for promoting measures to protect the health of the rural population.
机译:> face =“ verdana” size =“ 2”>这项横断面研究的范围是评估在巴西南部农村地区与农药接触与慢性病患病率之间的可能联系。随机选择了三个城市。所选择的样本是在三个月(2005年)内招募的,由298位年龄在18至65岁之间的男女受试者组成,他们经常光顾公共或私人药房购买药物。通过结构化访谈获得的数据显示,受访者中有68.4%从事农村活动,其中74.8%是从事农药工作的农业家庭。接触农药的受访者的平均年龄为51 + 16.5岁,未接触农药的受访者的平均年龄为50 + 17.9岁。样本由36.2%的男性组成,并且57.7%的个人受过四年以上的教育。与农药直接或间接接触与多种疾病的报告有关,其中神经系统疾病和口腔疾病最为普遍。与痛苦的状况有联系,接触农药的人报告的疾病是其两倍。数据证实了文献,并提请注意有必要采取促进保护农村人口健康的措施。



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