In Brazil the private health plans appear as an alternative to the public health assistance. This segment suffered great intensification in the seventies and eighties, culm'/> Ethical issues in a market dispute between clinical laboratories and a health plan: case report
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Ethical issues in a market dispute between clinical laboratories and a health plan: case report




> size="2" face="Verdana"> In Brazil the private health plans appear as an alternative to the public health assistance. This segment suffered great intensification in the seventies and eighties, culminating in the entry of large insurance company in the scenario of supplementary medicine. Quickly, the service providers associated with these insurance companies, consolidating them in the market and triggering a relationship of dependency. This article analyzed, in the form of a case report, a marketing dispute between clinical laboratories and a health plan, emphasizing the moral and ethical aspects involved in this episode.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana”>在巴西,私人卫生计划似乎是公共卫生援助的替代方案。七十年代和八十年代,这一部门经历了激烈的集约化,最终导致大公司加入补充医学。与这些保险公司相关联的服务提供商迅速地将它们整合到市场中并引发了依赖关系。本文以病例报告的形式分析了临床实验室与健康计划之间的市场纠纷,强调了这一事件涉及的道德和伦理方面。



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