There are several occupational risks inherent to urban garbage collection, and the scope of this study was to identify the biological risks to which urban garbage collectors'/> The perception of urban garbage collectors of Dourados, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, regarding the biological risks involved in their work routine
首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >The perception of urban garbage collectors of Dourados, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, regarding the biological risks involved in their work routine

The perception of urban garbage collectors of Dourados, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, regarding the biological risks involved in their work routine




> size="2" face="Verdana">There are several occupational risks inherent to urban garbage collection, and the scope of this study was to identify the biological risks to which urban garbage collectors in Dourados/MS are exposed. A qualitative study using the Lefévre and Lefévre Collective Subject Discourse method was used with 42 urban garbage collectors working for the outsourced provider to the Municipal Department of Urban Services. Data were collected from September 2005 to January 2006. The interviews had an average duration of 40 minutes, and were recorded at the company office when the workers arrived to start their working day and subsequently transcribed. The biological risks mentioned by the garbage pickers were accidents with glass, syringes, thorns, dog bites, and contact with substances found in the garbage. Accidents with sharp and jagged instruments are ways for microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi to infect the human body. Virus contamination, like HIV and Hepatitis B and C, can occur in accidents involving inadequate disposal of contaminated needles. The conclusion reached is that biological risks in urban garbage collection can be reduced by educating the population about adequate garbage disposal.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana”>城市垃圾收集存在一些职业风险,本研究的目的是确定Dourados / MS中城市垃圾收集者所面临的生物风险。 。对42名城市垃圾收集者进行了使用Lefévre和Lefévre集体主题话语方法的定性研究,该工作是为市政服务部门的外包提供商提供的。数据收集自2005年9月至2006年1月。访谈的平均时长为40分钟,并在工人到达工作地点开始工作并随后转录时在公司办公室进行记录。垃圾收集者提到的生物风险是玻璃,注射器,刺,狗咬伤以及与垃圾中发现的物质接触造成的事故。尖锐且锯齿状的器械事故是细菌,病毒和真菌等微生物感染人体的方法。病毒污染(如HIV和B型和C型肝炎)可能发生在涉及未充分处理被污染针头的事故中。得出的结论是,可以通过对居民进行适当的垃圾处理教育来降低城市垃圾收集中的生物风险。



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