The high incidence of obese people submitted to bariatric surgery as treatment for obesity has prompted the need to carry out a survey to ascer'/> The complexity of obesity and life after bariatric surgery: a public health issue
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The complexity of obesity and life after bariatric surgery: a public health issue




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">The high incidence of obese people submitted to bariatric surgery as treatment for obesity has prompted the need to carry out a survey to ascertain the repercussions of this treatment on the health of a group of individuals subjected to such surgery. Data were collected via in-depth interviews, focusing on identification of the background to the situation that led to the decision to submit to obesity surgery and the quality of daily life after treatment. The analysis showed that the constant difficulties and frustrations in combating obesity and the expectation of the definitive cure led to the decision to submit to surgery in that group. However, life after surgery was characterized as a continuous process of challenges with further hurdles in order to learn how to live again on a day-to-day basis and return to full health. This also presents challenges for the health team as it involves greater investment in public health, improvement strategies for prevention and control of obesity of the population and comprehensive care actions for those individuals. Such complexity requires interdisciplinary expertise with an approach in line with the emotional and socio-cultural issues of this population group.
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>接受肥胖症治疗的肥胖患者的肥胖率很高,这促使人们有必要进行调查以确定这种治疗对一组接受这种手术的个体的健康的影响。通过深入的访谈收集数据,重点是确定导致肥胖的决定以及接受治疗后日常生活质量的情况的背景。分析表明,在对抗肥胖方面的持续困难和挫折以及对最终治疗方法的期望导致了该组患者决定接受手术的决定。然而,手术后的生活被描述为一个不断挑战的过程,面临着更多的障碍,以便学习如何在日常生活中再次生活并恢复健康。这也给卫生团队带来了挑战,因为它需要加大对公共卫生的投资,改善预防和控制人群肥胖的策略以及为这些人采取全面的护理行动。这种复杂性需要跨学科的专业知识,并且要采用与该人群的情感和社会文化问题相一致的方法。



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