首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research >Identification of atypical rotaviruses in outbreaks of preweaning and postweaning diarrhea in Québec swine herds.

Identification of atypical rotaviruses in outbreaks of preweaning and postweaning diarrhea in Québec swine herds.




Intestinal contents of diarrheic pigs from 120 outbreaks of diarrhea were examined for the presence of atypical rotaviruses. Pigs involved in these outbreaks were aged two days to five weeks and samples collected over a period of one year originated from different regions of the province of Québec. Samples were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) for the presence of viral RNA and genome profiles were compared to those of porcine rotavirus A/OSU, B/Ohio and C/Cowden. Based on electropherotypes both typical (group A) and atypical (groups B and C) rotaviruses were identified. Rotaviruses could be demonstrated in 25.8% of outbreaks and together atypical rotaviruses accounted for 46.7% of rotavirus-positive outbreaks. Other common enteropathogens were often present in conjunction with rotaviruses in the preweaning and postweaning outbreaks studied.
机译:检查来自120次腹泻暴发的腹泻猪的肠内容物是否存在非典型轮状病毒。涉及这些暴发的猪的年龄为两天至五周,而在一年的时间内收集的样本来自魁北克省的不同地区。通过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)分析样品中病毒RNA的存在,并将基因组图谱与猪轮状病毒A / OSU,B /俄亥俄州和C / Cowden的图谱进行比较。基于电型,鉴定出典型的(A组)和非典型的(B和C组)轮状病毒。轮状病毒可在25.8%的暴发中得到证实,非典型轮状病毒占轮状病毒阳性暴发的46.7%。在研究的断奶前和断奶后暴发中,其他常见的肠病原通常与轮状病毒一起出现。



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