首页> 外文期刊>CES Medicina Veterinaira y Zooctecnia >Microorganismos aislados en cultivo bacteriol?3gico de muestras de leche de vacas holstein cl?-nicamente sanas

Microorganismos aislados en cultivo bacteriol?3gico de muestras de leche de vacas holstein cl?-nicamente sanas




A microbiological analysis was performed to determine the frequency of isolation of microorganisms of infectious and environmental type in milk from a group of clinically healthy cows in two different types of milking (manual and mechanical). To each sample of milk was made bacteriological culture to determine the presence of microorganisms. Of 289 milk samples evaluated, 193 (66.78%) were positive for isolation of any type of pathogen, of which 81 (28.02%) samples came from manual milking and 112 (38.75%) belonged to mechanical milking, finding a higher percentage of isolation of bacterial pathogens in milks coming from mechanical milking system (p = 0.0236). The most isolated pathogen was the Arcanobacterium haemolyticum, A microorganism that forms part of the saprophytic flora of the animal, with an individual presence in 20.14% and in coinfection with other pathogens in 0.7% of the samples. The most common microorganism of subclinical mastitis in cattle is Streptococcus agalactiae, which in the present study was isolated from 12.50% of milk samples. The odds ratio (OR) between the isolation of Streptococcus agalactiae and the Somatic Cell Score (SCS) was determined, which was statistically significant, indicating that when this pathogen is present the SCS increases and the animals are more susceptible to mastitis.
机译:进行了微生物学分析,以确定从两种不同类型的挤奶(手动和机械)中从一组临床健康的奶牛中分离出牛奶中的传染性和环境性微生物的频率。对每个牛奶样品进行细菌培养以确定微生物的存在。在评估的289个牛奶​​样本中,有193个(66.78%)对任何类型的病原体都呈阳性分离,其中81个样本(28.02%)来自手动挤奶,而112个样本(38.75%)属于机械挤奶,发现分离率更高机械挤奶系统的牛奶中细菌病原体的数量(p = 0.0236)。分离程度最高的病原体是溶血弧菌,一种形成动物腐生菌群的微生物,个体存在率为20.14%,与其他病原体共感染的样本为0.7%。牛亚临床乳腺炎中最常见的微生物是无乳链球菌,在本研究中,其是从12.50%的牛奶样本中分离出来的。确定无乳链球菌分离物与体细胞评分(SCS)之间的比值比(OR),这在统计学上是显着的,表明当存在这种病原体时,SCS会增加并且动物更容易患乳腺炎。



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