首页> 外文期刊>Central European Journal of Biology >The role of rock mining for maintaining Dauco carotae-Crepidetum rhoeadifoliae Hejny et Grüll in Hejny et al. 1979 — a new to Poland plant association

The role of rock mining for maintaining Dauco carotae-Crepidetum rhoeadifoliae Hejny et Grüll in Hejny et al. 1979 — a new to Poland plant association

机译:在Hejny等人中,岩石开采在维护Dauco胡萝卜-Crepidetum rhoeadifoliae Hejny etGrüll中的作用。 1979年—波兰植物协会的新成员



This work presents the Dauco carotae-Crepidetum rhoeadifoliae plant association, which is new to Poland. The association has been observed in industrial reclamation areas in the vicinity of carbonate mineral excavation sites in the central part of the Opole region. In the vast majority of cases, plots of this association developed in reclaimed areas. The majority of diagnostic species for the association was found within surveyed plots, including Verbascum thapsus, V. densiflorum and Bryum argenteum. Taxa characteristic of the alliance were also constantly present, i.e. Daucus carota, Melilotus alba, M. officinalis, Echium vulgare and Erysimum hieracifolium. This association belongs to the rarest syntaxa in Poland included in the Dauco-Melilotion alliance of ruderal communities with a predominance of hemicryptophytes, therophytes and perennials. The main diagnostic species — Crepis rhoeadifolia, belongs to very rare elements of Polish flora. It has been observed only in the southern part of the country in approx. 20 sites. Crepis rhoeadifolia had not been observed in Silesia for approx. 40 years, which is why it was considered to be an extinct taxon in this region. Rediscovering of the species allowed for diagnosing the Dauco-Crepidetum rhoeadifoliae association. This association is an example of a pioneer phytocenosis of, most likely, anthropogenic origin in Silesia.
机译:这项工作介绍了Dauco胡萝卜-Crepidetum rhoeadifoliae植物协会,这对波兰来说是新的。在奥波莱地区中部碳酸盐矿物开挖点附近的工业开垦区中观察到这种联系。在大多数情况下,该协会的地块在填海区发展。与该协会有关的大多数诊断物种都在被调查的地块中找到,包括Verbascum thapsus,V。densiflorum和Bryum argenteum。该联盟的特色生物群也不断出现,即胡萝卜,紫花苜蓿,厚朴,紫叶菊和大叶黑麦草。该协会属于波兰最稀有的语法,隶属于Dauco-Melilotion族社区,主要有半隐生植物,附生植物和多年生植物。主要诊断物种-Crepis rhoeadifolia,属于波兰植物区系中非常罕见的元素。仅在该国南部地区才观察到这种情况。 20个站点。在西里西亚未观察到Crepis rhoeadifolia。 40年,这就是为什么它被认为是该地区绝种生物的原因。重新发现该物种有助于诊断Dauco-Crepidetum rhoeadifoliae协会。这种联系是西里西亚最有可能是人为起源的先锋植物菌病的一个例子。



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