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Paradox of schizophrenia genetics: is a paradigm shift occurring?




Background Genetic research of schizophrenia (SCZ) based on the nuclear genome model (NGM) has been one of the most active areas in psychiatry for the past two decades. Although this effort is ongoing, the current situation of the molecular genetics of SCZ seems disappointing or rather perplexing. Furthermore, a prominent discrepancy between persistence of the disease at a relatively high prevalence and a low reproductive fitness of patients creates a paradox. Heterozygote advantage works to sustain the frequency of a putative susceptibility gene in the mitochondrial genome model (MGM) but not in the NGM. Methods We deduced a criterion that every nuclear susceptibility gene for SCZ should fulfill for the persistence of the disease under general assumptions of the multifactorial threshold model. SCZ-associated variants listed in the top 45 in the SZGene Database (the version of the 23rd December, 2011) were selected, and the distribution of the genes that could meet or do not meet the criterion was surveyed. Results 19 SCZ-associated variants that do not meet the criterion are located outside the regions where the SCZ-associated variants that could meet the criterion are located. Since a SCZ-associated variant that does not meet the criterion cannot be a susceptibility gene, but instead must be a protective gene, it should be linked to a susceptibility gene in the NGM, which is contrary to these results. On the other hand, every protective gene on any chromosome can be associated with SCZ in the MGM. Based on the MGM we propose a new hypothesis that assumes brain-specific antioxidant defenses in which trans-synaptic activations of dopamine- and N-methyl- D -aspartate-receptors are involved. Most of the ten predictions of this hypothesis seem to accord with the major epidemiological facts and the results of association studies to date. Conclusion The central paradox of SCZ genetics and the results of association studies to date argue against the NGM, and in its place the MGM is emerging as a viable option to account for genomic and pathophysiological research findings involving SCZ.
机译:背景技术在过去的二十年中,基于核基因组模型(NGM)的精神分裂症(SCZ)遗传研究一直是精神病学领域最活跃的领域之一。尽管这项工作正在进行中,但SCZ分子遗传学的现状似乎令人失望或困惑。此外,在相对较高的患病率下疾病的持久性与患者的低生殖适应性之间的显着差异产生了悖论。杂合子的优势在于维持线粒体基因组模型(MGM)中假定的易感基因的频率,而在NGM中则不然。方法我们推导了一个标准,即在多因素阈值模型的一般假设下,SCZ的每个核易感性基因都应满足疾病的持久性。选择了SZGene数据库(2011年12月23 rd 的版本)中排名前45位的与SCZ相关的变体,符合或不符合该标准的基因的分布为调查。结果19个不符合标准的SCZ相关变体位于可能符合标准的SCZ相关变体所在的区域之外。由于不符合标准的SCZ相关变体不能是易感基因,而必须是保护性基因,因此应将其与NGM中的易感基因连接,这与这些结果相反。另一方面,任何染色体上的每个保护基因都可以与MGM中的SCZ相关联。基于MGM,我们提出了一个新的假设,该假设假设了大脑特有的抗氧化剂防御机制,其中涉及多巴胺和N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体的反式突触激活。该假说的十个预测中的大多数似乎与主要的流行病学事实以及迄今为止的关联研究结果相符。结论SCZ遗传学的中心悖论和迄今为止的关联研究结果都与NGM背道而驰,而代替MGM的MGM正成为解决涉及SCZ的基因组和病理生理研究结果的可行选择。



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