首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Applied Science and Technology >Effect of Temperature on Fertilization, Hatching andSurvival Rates of Heterobranchus bidorsalis Eggsand Hatchlings

Effect of Temperature on Fertilization, Hatching andSurvival Rates of Heterobranchus bidorsalis Eggsand Hatchlings




Aims: To determine the effect of temperature on fertilization, hatching and survival rates of Heterobranchus bidorsalis egg and fry in Jos Plateau, Nigeria.Materials and Methods: This experiment was investigated under controlled temperature hatchery. Stripping was done 9 hours after hormonal injection at 28oC while the male fish was sacrificed and milt prepared for fertilization of the eggs using normal saline. The water temperature was controlled with an adjustable electric thermostat heater empowered by a generator while other water quality parameters were kept constant in acceptable ranges. The eggs were mixed with the milt using chicken feather and 500 of the eggs were spread on kaka ban in aquaria in 4 treatments (26oC, 28oC, 30oC and 32oC) in three replicates. The unfertilized eggs were counted after 6 hours from the time of mixing of the eggs with the milt. The kakabans were removed immediately after hatching and hatchlings were counted then and after 3 days. Results: Fertilization and hatchability of the eggs were significantly highest (p < 0.05) at 28oC and 30oC compared to 26oC and 32oC. Survival rate of newly hatched larvae was significantly highest at 28oC. The lowest survival rate was registered at 32oC while that of 26oC was just within the range of 40%.Conclusion: Fertilization and hatchability of H. bidorsalis eggs are best achieved at temperature range of 28 - 30oC while highest survival rate of the fry was attained at 28oC.
机译:目的:确定温度对尼日利亚乔斯高原杂种羊的卵,鱼的受精,孵化和成活率的影响。材料与方法:本实验在恒温孵化场进行。在荷尔蒙注射后于28°C加热9小时后进行剥离,同时将雄鱼处死并准备用麦芽汁用生理盐水使卵子受精。水温由发电机控制的可调式恒温电加热器控制,而其他水质参数则保持恒定在可接受的范围内。用鸡羽毛将鸡蛋与鱼糜混合,并在4个处理(26oC,28oC,30oC和32oC)中,将500个鸡蛋分散在水族馆的kaka ban中,一式三份。从卵与被窝混合开始6小时后,对未受精卵进行计数。孵化后立即去除假皮,并在孵化3天后计数孵化率。结果:与26oC和32oC相比,卵在28oC和30oC时的受精率和孵化率最高(p <0.05)。新孵化的幼虫的成活率在28oC时最高。最低的成活率是32oC,而26oC恰好在40%的范围内。结论:在28-30oC的温度范围内,H.bidorsalis卵的受精率和孵化率最好,达到28oC。



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