首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Applied Science and Technology >Remnants Blocks of Pyroclastic Surge Deposits inBambili, Cameroon Volcanic Line: New Insights intothe Lithostratigraphy of Mount Bamenda

Remnants Blocks of Pyroclastic Surge Deposits inBambili, Cameroon Volcanic Line: New Insights intothe Lithostratigraphy of Mount Bamenda




Field studies in Bambili locality (NE of Bamenda city, West-Cameroon), situated in the central part of Cameroon Volcanic Line, have recently permitted us to identifier above the welded massive lapilli tuff (mlT), remnant blocks (up to 6.5 x 11 m) of pyroclastic surge deposits. The latter are characterized by well-sorted and distinctly stratified layers with thicknesses ranging from 8 to 35 cm and showing graded bedding. The layers are matrix-supported and heterolithic, with the lithic fragments consisting of devitrified fiammes, vitrophyres, trachytic and rhyolitic cognates, granites and ignimbrites. The mineralogy of these surge deposits is quasi identical to that of the welded mlT which consists of alkali feldspar (sanidine), quartz, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, biotite and Fe-Ti oxides. The presence of these remnants blocks of pyroclastic surge deposits in the Bambili locality, emitted probably from Mt Oku vent, permit to reconsider the chronostratigraphy of the Bamenda Highlands. In fact, after a trachytic lava flow, a pyroclastic flow deposits allowed the formation of the welded ignimbrites represented by dark grey and whitish units; pulsating hydrostatic and magma pressures have subsequently produced alternating phreatomagmatic pyroclastic surges, which have afterward covered the massif, followed by basaltic flows.
机译:位于喀麦隆火山线中部的班比里地区(西喀麦隆巴门达市东北部)的实地研究最近使我们能够识别出焊接的块状lapilli凝灰岩(mlT)上方的残余块(高达6.5 x 11) m)火山碎屑涌浪沉积物。后者的特点是层数合理且分层明显,层厚在8到35厘米之间,并显示出渐变的被褥。这些层是基质支撑的且是异质的,其中的碎石碎片由失透的火成岩,玻璃体,疏松的和流纹的齿形,花岗岩和火成岩组成。这些浪涌沉积物的矿物学性质与由碱性长石(山,),石英,斜长石,斜辉石,黑云母和铁钛氧化物组成的熔接mlT基本相同。这些可能是从奥库山喷口喷出的班比利地区的火山碎屑潮沉积物的残余块的存在,可以重新考虑巴门达高地的年代地层。实际上,在一条穿越的熔岩流之后,火山碎屑流沉积物允许形成以深灰色和发白单位表示的焊接着火点。脉动的静水压力和岩浆压力随后产生了交替的岩浆热碎屑浪涌,之后又覆盖了地块,随后是玄武质流。



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