首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Applied Science and Technology >Evaluation of Nutritional, Non-nutritional, ElementalContent and Amino Acid Profile ofAzanza garckeana (Goron Tula)

Evaluation of Nutritional, Non-nutritional, ElementalContent and Amino Acid Profile ofAzanza garckeana (Goron Tula)




Azanza garckeana fruits, leaves, stem-bark and roots were both quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed to determine the nutritional, non-nutritional, elemental and amino acid content. The nutritional (proximate) analysis reveals the highest and lowest moisture content in the fruits (6.50%) and stem-bark (0.50%), crude protein in the fruits (12.00%) and stem-bark (4.91%), crude fibre in the stem-bark (45.30%) and fruits (20.75%), lipid content in the leaves (2.56%) and roots(0.68%), and total ash content in roots (8.70%) and fruits (6.7%), respectively, while vitamin A, B1, B2, C and E were all found (in the fruits and leaves), and quantitatively more in the fruits. A. garckeana contains alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, steroids, cardiac glycosides, terpenes, phenols, volatile oils, resins and saponins. However, there is a significant variation in the presence of these compounds in the different parts of this plant. The amount of these compounds were also found to be safe (i.e. below established toxic levels), and of medicinal value. The mineral elements present are also below toxic levels, and may contribute to the dietary requirements of these elements. The amino acid profile reveals 17 types; 7 essential, 2 semi-essential and 8 non-essential in the fruits and leaves in varying amounts.
机译:定量和定性分析了Azanza garckeana的果实,叶子,茎皮和根,以确定其营养,非营养,元素和氨基酸含量。营养(接近)分析显示水果中的最高和最低水分含量(6.50%)和茎皮(0.50%),水果中的粗蛋白(12.00%)和茎皮(4.91%) ,茎皮中的粗纤维(45.30 %)和水果(20.75 %),叶中的脂质含量(2.56 %)和根部(0.68 %)以及根中的总灰分含量(8.70 %)和水果(分别为6.7%),而维生素A,B1,B2,C和E都被发现(在水果和树叶中),并且在水果中的含量更高。 A. garckeana包含生物碱,单宁,类黄酮,类固醇,强心苷,萜烯,酚,挥发油,树脂和皂苷。但是,在植物的不同部位中这些化合物的存在存在很大差异。还发现这些化合物的量是安全的(即低于确定的毒性水平),并且具有药用价值。存在的矿物质元素也低于毒性水平,并可能有助于这些元素的饮食需求。氨基酸谱揭示了17种类型;水果和树叶中7种必需品,2种半必需品和8种非必需品以不同的量存在。



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