首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Applied Science and Technology >Determination of Normal Operating Heights ofReservoirs in a Network Using Non-linear

Determination of Normal Operating Heights ofReservoirs in a Network Using Non-linear




In reservoir modeling, making the steady-state policy of the flood control is a challenging task. In this paper, the normal operating heights of a reservoir network is discussed. Initially, the coupled tank system is employed to model the reservoir network. At the equilibrium state, the normal operating heights are then derived analytically. As the linearization is taken, the associated Jacobian matrix, which is a diagonally dominant tridiagonal matrix with negative diagonal entries, is obtained. Because of the negative eigenvalues of this matrix, the stability condition of the reservoir network can be made. For illustration, the different rain rates are used to calculate the surface area of the reservoir and the corresponding normal operating heights of the reservoir are then determined. The result obtained shows the stability of the reservoir. In conclusion, the approach discussed is efficient to the decision making on the stability of a reservoir network.



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