首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Urological Association Journal >Precise control of caval and hepatic vessels: Surgical technique to treat level III caval thrombus concomitant to renal cell carcinoma

Precise control of caval and hepatic vessels: Surgical technique to treat level III caval thrombus concomitant to renal cell carcinoma




Introduction: We investigated the surgical techniques, safety, and prevention of complications of nephrectomy and removal of tumour thrombus for treating level III inferior vena cava (IVC) concomitant to renal cell carcinoma (RCC). We did this by precise controlling IVC and hepatic vessels without a vascular bypass. Methods: In this series, we included 5 patients with level III IVC tumour thrombus below the hepatic vein concomitant to RCC. After precisely controlling the IVC and hepatic vessels, we then removed the thrombus en bloc with the renal vein. Blood loss volume, IVC clamping time, hypotension time, resuscitation, cardiocerebrovascular complications, and postoperative organ dysfunction were observed. Results: Surgery was successfully performed without perioperative death. Blood loss volume was 900 to 1500 mL, operation time was 165 to 250 minutes, vascular clamping time was 8 to 12 minutes, and intraoperative hypotension time was 9 to 12 minutes. Serious perioperative complications were not observed. Local recurrence was not observed during the 9 to 24 months of follow-up. One patient exhibited disease-free survival, 3 developed lung or liver metastasis, and 1 died 11 months after surgery. Conclusion: Precise control of IVC and hepatic pedicle vessels, without vascular bypass, is a safe and effective surgical treatment for level III tumor thrombus below the hepatic vein concomitant to RCC. The procedure was conducted without increased risks of intraoperative hypotensive shock, difficult resuscitation, pulmonary embolism, and multiple organ dysfunctions.
机译:简介:我们研究了用于治疗伴发肾细胞癌(RCC)的III级下腔静脉(IVC)的手术技术,安全性以及预防肾切除术和清除肿瘤血栓的并发症。我们通过精确控制IVC和肝血管而没有血管旁路来做到这一点。方法:在本系列中,我们纳入了5例伴有RCC的肝静脉以下III级IVC肿瘤血栓的患者。在精确控制了IVC和肝血管之后,我们随后将肾脏静脉内的血栓全部取出。观察失血量,IVC钳制时间,低血压时间,复苏,心脑血管并发症和术后器官功能障碍。结果:手术成功,无围手术期死亡。失血量为900至1500 mL,手术时间为165至250分钟,血管夹持时间为8至12分钟,术中低血压时间为9至12分钟。未观察到严重的围手术期并发症。在随访的9至24个月内未观察到局部复发。一名患者无病生存,3例发生肺或肝转移,1例在手术后11个月死亡。结论:准确控制IVC和肝蒂血管,无需进行血管旁路术,是治疗伴有RCC的肝静脉以下III级肿瘤血栓的安全有效的手术治疗。进行该手术时没有增加术中降压性休克,复苏困难,肺栓塞和多器官功能障碍的风险。



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