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From shifting cultivation to permanent cropping in the cotton belt of Mali: Insights from the duration of the use of fields




Since 1960, farming practices have been deeply modified by the demographic increase and by cotton cultivation. Most farmers have abandoned the traditional shifting cultivation, with 4-5 years of cropping and 15-20 years of fallow and many of the fields have been cropped permanently during the last 20 to 30 years. Area under cultivation is increasing rapidly. Can these modifications induce a drastic decrease in the fertility of the soil? Many authors fear it, but farmers’ production increases regularly and more fertiliser is used. No clear description of the actual farming system has been proposed: Is the cultivation still shifting or has it become permanent? How many years of cultivation before returning to fallow? … and so on. The age of fields, that is to say the number of years elapsed since the last fallow lasting several years, is known in the Mali cotton belt through surveys conducted by the Compagnie malienne pour le développement des textiles (CMDT). This age of fields retains an information about the number of years fields are cropped before returning to fallow. But in recently cleared fields, it is not evident to determine those that will be cropped permanently, and those under shifting cultivation that will be returned to fallow. A very simple model enabled us to conclude, in terms of percentage of total area. The model considers three different systems: shifting cultivation, rather continuing cropping and continuing cropping. A set of parameters describe the model: numbers of years of cultivation before returning to fallow in shifting cultivation, rather continuing cropping, percentage of total cropped area under each system, and the increase percentage from year to year of the total cropped area. The set of parameters which gives the best fitting between model and observed curve is retained. Data from CMDT surveys are available from 1994 to 1999. They have been interpreted, year by year, for 4?different regions: the “old” cotton belt (Koutiala, Fana, San), the Sikasso region, the Bougouni region, and the Kita region. The results for 1997 are shown in a figure and a table summarizes the results from all available data: differences from year to year reflected the different sampling. From these results, clear differences appear between regions. The traditional shifting cultivation system, with 4 to 6 years of crops before a return to fallow, remains only in the Kita region where cotton growing is recent. Two systems coexist in the other regions: a system with 8 to 10 years of cropping and an almost permanent system with at least 30 years of cropping. This is markedly dominant in ’the old cotton belt’ (the Koutiala, Fana and San regions). Eight to ten years is a lengthening of the cultivation period in the shifting system: the farmers better exploit the work done for clearing, but they still benefit from the fallow. In the almost permanent system, farmers suggest that they intend to cultivate permanently and return to fallow only for incidental, often social, reasons (labour shortage, cattle destruction of crops, etc.). So the almost permanent system appears as a gradual transition to permanent cultivation. The almost permanent system started to develop in 1965-1970 when landholding pressure was low and when cotton growing was accompanied by the introduction of several new techniques: draugh
机译:自1960年以来,人口的增长和棉花种植对耕作方式进行了深刻的修改。大多数农民放弃了传统的轮作种植,种植了4-5年,休耕15-20年,在过去的20至30年中,许多田地已经永久种植。耕种面积正在迅速增加。这些修饰会导致土壤肥力急剧下降吗?许多作者对此感到恐惧,但农民的产量会定期增加,因此会使用更多的肥料。尚未提出对实际耕作制度的明确描述:耕作是否还在转移或已永久化?休耕前要耕种多少年? … 等等。马里棉带的土地年龄是从上一次休耕以来的年数,这是由纺织品公司(CMDT)进行的调查得知的。该字段的年龄保留了有关返回休耕前已修剪的字段数的信息。但是,在最近清理过的田地中,尚不能确定将永久性耕种的作物,以及正在轮作中的耕作将退耕的作物。一个非常简单的模型使我们能够得出总面积百分比的结论。该模型考虑了三种不同的系统:轮作种植,连续种植和连续种植。一组参数描述了该模型:轮作耕种恢复休耕前的耕种年限,而不是连续种植,每个系统下总种植面积的百分比,以及总种植面积逐年增加的百分比。保留了在模型和观察曲线之间具有最佳拟合的参数集。 CMDT调查的数据可从1994年到1999年获得。它们逐年被解释为4个不同的地区:“旧”棉带(库蒂亚拉,法纳,桑那),锡卡索地区,布戈尼地区和北区。图中显示了1997年的结果,并在表格中总结了所有可用数据的结果:每年的差异反映了不同的采样。根据这些结果,区域之间会出现明显的差异。传统的轮作种植制度只有在收割棉花之前有4到6年的作物才能恢复休耕,现在仍然只在北区种植棉花。其他地区共存在两个系统:一个种植了8到10年的系统和一个至少种植了30年的几乎永久的系统。在“旧棉带”(库蒂亚拉,法纳和桑那地区),这种现象尤为明显。 8到10年是轮作制中耕种期的延长:农民更好地利用了清理工作,但他们仍然从休耕中受益。在几乎永久性的制度中,农民建议他们打算永久性耕种,仅出于偶然的,常常是社会的原因(劳力短缺,牲畜销毁等)而退耕。因此,几乎永久性的制度似乎是向永久性耕种的逐渐过渡。几乎永久的系统始于1965年至1970年,当时土地占有压力很低,棉花种植伴随着几种新技术的引入:



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