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Climate change and ocean acidification impacts on lower trophic levels and the export of organic carbon to the deep ocean




Most future projections forecast significant and ongoing climate changeduring the 21st century, but with the severity of impacts dependent onefforts to restrain or reorganise human activity to limit carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions. A major sink for atmospheric CO2, and a key source ofbiological resources, the World Ocean is widely anticipated to undergoprofound physical and – via ocean acidification – chemical changes asdirect and indirect results of these emissions. Given strong biophysicalcoupling, the marine biota is also expected to experience strong changes inresponse to this anthropogenic forcing. Here we examine the large-scaleresponse of ocean biogeochemistry to climate and acidification impacts duringthe 21st century for Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 2.6 and 8.5using an intermediate complexity global ecosystem model, MEDUSA-2.0. Theprimary impact of future change lies in stratification-led declines in theavailability of key nutrients in surface waters, which in turn leads to aglobal decrease (1990s vs. 2090s) in ocean productivity (?6.3%). Thisimpact has knock-on consequences for the abundance of the low trophic levelbiogeochemical actors modelled by MEDUSA-2.0 (?5.8%), and these wouldbe expected to similarly impact higher trophic level elements such asfisheries. Related impacts are found in the flux of organic material toseafloor communities (?40.7% at 1000 m), and in the volume of oceansuboxic zones (+12.5%). A sensitivity analysis removing an acidificationfeedback on calcification finds that change in this process significantlyimpacts benthic communities, suggesting that a~better understanding of theOA-sensitivity of calcifying organisms, and their role in ballasting sinkingorganic carbon, may significantly improve forecasting of these ecosystems.For all processes, there is geographical variability in change – forinstance, productivity declines ?21% in the Atlantic and increases+59% in the Arctic – and changes are much more pronounced under RCP 8.5than the RCP 2.6 scenario.
机译:大多数未来的预测都预测21世纪将出现重大且持续的气候变化,但是影响的严重性取决于人们努力限制或重组人类活动以限制二氧化碳(CO 2 )的排放。作为大气中CO 2 的主要汇和生物资源的重要来源,人们普遍预计世界海洋将经历深刻的物理变化,并且通过海洋酸化,化学变化将直接或间接地导致这些排放。考虑到强大的生物物理耦合作用,预计海洋生物群也将经历这种人为强迫的强烈变化。在这里,我们使用中等复杂度的全球生态系统模型MEDUSA-2.0,考察了21世纪海洋生物地球化学对气候和酸化影响的大规模响应,即代表浓度路径(RCP)2.6和8.5。未来变化的主要影响在于地表水中主要营养物的可利用性分层导致的下降,进而导致海洋生产力在全球范围内下降(1990年代与2090年代)(6.3%)。这种影响对以MEDUSA-2.0为模型的低营养水平生物地球化学因子的丰富性具有连锁效应(?5.8%),并且预计这些将同样影响较高营养水平的元素,例如渔业。在有机物质通向海底群落的流量中(1000 m处约为40.7%)和在海洋变质带中的体积(+ 12.5%)中发现了相关的影响。敏感性分析消除了钙化过程中的酸化反馈,发现此过程中的变化会极大地影响底栖生物群落,这表明对钙化生物的OA敏感性及其在压载沉没有机碳中的作用的更好理解可能会显着改善对这些生态系统的预测。在过程中,变化存在地域可变性(例如,大西洋的生产率下降了21%,而北极地区则上升了59%),在RCP 8.5下,变化要比RCP 2.6方案更为明显。



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