首页> 外文期刊>Biogeosciences Discussions >Soil surface COsub2/sub flux increases with successional time in a fire scar chronosequence of Canadian boreal jack pine forest

Soil surface COsub2/sub flux increases with successional time in a fire scar chronosequence of Canadian boreal jack pine forest

机译:在加拿大北方杰克松林火灾疤痕年代序列中,土壤表面CO 2 通量随着时间的推移而增加



pstrongAbstract./strong To fully understand the carbon (C) cycle impacts of forest fires, both C emissions during the fire and post-disturbance fluxes need to be considered. The latter are dominated by soil surface COsub2/sub flux (iF/isubs/sub), which is still subject to large uncertainties. Fire is generally regarded as the most important factor influencing succession in the boreal forest biome and fire dependant species such as jack pine are widespread. In May 2007, we took concurrent iF/isubs/sub and soil temperature (iT/isubs/sub) measurements in boreal jack pine fire scars aged between 0 and 59 years since fire. To allow comparisons between scars, we adjusted iF/isubs/sub for iT/isubs/sub (iF/isubs/subsupT/sup) using a iQ/isub10/sub of 2. Mean iF/isubs/subsupT/sup ranged from 0.56 (± 0.30 sd) to 1.94 (± 0.74 sd) μmol COsub2/sub msup−2/sup ssup−1/sup. Our results indicate a difference in mean iF/isubs/subsupT/sup between recently burned (4 to 8 days post fire) and non-burned mature (59 years since fire) forest (iP/i & 0.001), though no difference was detected between recently burned (4 to 8 days post fire) and non-burned young (16 years since fire) forest (iP/i = 0.785). There was a difference in mean iF/isubs/subsupT/sup between previously young (16 years since fire) and intermediate aged (32 years since fire) scars that were both subject to fire in 2007 (iP/i & 0.001). However, there was no difference in mean iF/isubs/subsupT/sup between mature (59 years since fire) and intermediate aged (32 years since fire) scars that were both subjected to fire in 2007 (iP/i = 0.226). Furthermore, there was no difference in mean iF/isubs/subsupT/sup between mature (59 years since fire) and young scars (16 years since fire) that were both subjected to fire in 2007 (iP/i = 0.186). There was an increase in iF/isubs/subsupT/sup with time since fire for the chronosequence 0, 16 and 59 years post fire (iP/i & 0.001). Our results lead us to hypothesise that the autotrophicheterotrophic soil respiration ratio increases over post-fire successional time in boreal jack pine systems, though this should be explored in future research. The results of this study contribute to a better quantitative understanding of iF/isubs/sub in boreal jack pine fire scars and will facilitate meta-analyses of iF/isubs/sub in fire scar chronosequences./p.
机译:> >摘要。要充分了解森林火灾的碳(C)循环影响,必须考虑火灾期间的碳排放和扰动后通量。后者主要受土壤表面CO 2 通量( F s )的影响,但仍存在很大的不确定性。人们普遍认为,火灾是影响北方森林生物群落演替的最重要因素,而依赖火种的物种(例如杰克松)也很普遍。在2007年5月,我们同时测量了北方杰克松火中的 F s 和土壤温度( T s )火灾后的疤痕年龄介于0至59岁之间。为了比较疤痕,我们将 F s 调整为 T s ( F s T ),其 Q 10 为2。均值 F s T 的范围是0.56(&plusmn; 0.30 sd)至1.94(&plusmn; 0.74 sd)&mol; mol CO 2 m &min; 2 < / sup> s &minus; 1 。我们的结果表明,最近燃烧(火灾后4至8天)与未燃烧成熟(59岁)之间的平均 F s T (自火灾以来)森林( P <0.001),尽管在最近燃烧(火灾后4至8天)和未燃烧的年轻森林(火灾之后16年)( P = 0.785)。以前年轻(起火后16岁)和中年(起火后32岁)疤痕的平均 F s T 有差异,都在2007年遭到火灾( P <0.001)。但是,成熟疤痕(起火后59年)和中年年龄(起火后32年)之间的平均 F s T 没有差异都在2007年遭受大火( P = 0.226)。此外,成熟(自火灾起59年)和年轻疤痕(自火灾起16年)之间的平均 F s T 没有差异。都在2007年遭受大火( P = 0.186)。自火灾以来,自火灾发生后的0、16和59年的时间序列, F s s T 随时间增加( P < /i><0.001)。我们的结果使我们假设,在北方千斤顶松树系统中,自养营养养生土壤呼吸比随火后演替时间的增加而增加,尽管这应在未来的研究中加以探索。这项研究的结果有助于更好地定量了解北方插孔松火痕中的 F s ,并将有助于对 F < sub> s 在火疤的时序中。



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