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Risk factors for noncommunicable chronic diseases in women in China: surveillance efforts




Objective To investigate risk factors for chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and their determinants in Chinese women. Methods Data from the 2010 China Chronic Disease and Risk Factor Surveillance survey, comprising a nationally representative sample of women, were obtained to determine the prevalence of eight risk factors for chronic NCDs: current smoking, harmful use of alcohol, insufficient intake of fruit and vegetables, physical inactivity, overweight and obesity, raised blood pressure, raised fasting blood glucose and raised total serum cholesterol. The mean number of risk factors per woman was estimated. Their independent demographic and socioeconomic covariates were also examined with ordinal logistic regression. Findings The following prevalences were found: insufficient intake of fruit and vegetables, 51.7%; overweight and obesity, 32.3%; raised blood pressure, 29.7%; physical inactivity, 18.3%; raised total serum cholesterol, 18.1%; raised blood glucose, 7.0%; current smoking, 2.4%; and harmful use of alcohol, 1.3%. The mean number of risk factors per woman was 1.61; 48.0% of the women had at least two risk factors. Women who were older, poorer, from rural areas or from eastern or central China had more risk factors, but only being more than 35 years old, poorly educated and a resident of eastern or central China independently increased the likelihood of having multiple risk factors. Conclusion Risk factors for chronic NCDs are common among Chinese women aged 18 or older. Interventions to reduce these factors are needed and should target women who are older, who live in eastern or central China or who are poorly educated
机译:目的探讨中国女性慢性非传染性疾病(NCD)的危险因素及其决定因素。方法从2010年中国慢性病和危险因素监测调查中收集全国代表性的女性样本数据,以确定慢性非传染性疾病的八个危险因素的流行程度:当前吸烟,有害饮酒,水果和蔬菜摄入不足,缺乏运动,超重和肥胖,血压升高,空腹血糖升高和血清总胆固醇升高。估计每位妇女的平均危险因素数量。他们的独立人口统计学和社会经济协变量也用序数逻辑回归检验。调查结果发现以下患病率:水果和蔬菜摄入不足,占51.7%;超重和肥胖,占32.3%;血压升高29.7%;缺乏运动能力,占18.3%;血清总胆固醇升高18.1%;血糖升高7.0%;目前吸烟率为2.4%;有害使用酒精1.3%。每名妇女的平均危险因素数量为1.61; 48.0%的妇女至少有两个危险因素。来自农村地区或华东或华中地区的年龄较大,较贫穷的妇女具有较高的危险因素,但只有35岁以上,受教育程度低以及华东或中部地区的居民独立增加了具有多种危险因素的可能性。结论慢性非传染性疾病的危险因素在18岁以上的中国女性中很普遍。需要采取减少这些因素的干预措施,这些干预措施应针对年龄较大,居住在中国东部或中部或文化程度较低的女性



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