首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Journal of Biology >Flowers, fruits, and the abundance of the yellow-chevroned parakeet (Brotogeris chiriri) at a gallery forest in the South Pantanal (Brazil)

Flowers, fruits, and the abundance of the yellow-chevroned parakeet (Brotogeris chiriri) at a gallery forest in the South Pantanal (Brazil)

机译:在南部潘塔纳尔(巴西)的画廊森林里,花朵,水果和黄色燕尾长尾小鹦鹉(Brotogeris chiriri)的丰富性



Parakeets usually forage for massive and ephemeral plant resources at forest canopies. Fruit pulp is widely cited as a major food resource for these birds, which often eat seeds and nectar. In this study, I assessed flower and fruit production at a gallery forest in the Pantanal flood plain (Brazil) in order to evaluate the relationship between food resource production and abundance of a common parakeet, Brotogeris chiriri. Also, I evaluated the relationship between food resource production and foraging activity. Parakeet abundance varied markedly along the year, coinciding with massive episodes of flower and fleshy fruit availability. Inga vera nectar, intensely used during the latter part of dry season, was by far the most exploited food item by parakeets when they were very abundant. The nectar comprised 34% of the parakeets' diet (N = 131 feeding records) at the gallery forest, while fleshy fruits made up the rest. Parakeets principally exploited fruits of Cecropia pachystachya and Ficus luschnathiana, besides palm fruits and Inga vera arils. The consistent relationship between foraging activity and parakeet abundance, as well as the coincidence between fluctuations of these parameters and availability of major food resources, suggests that food availability mostly influenced B. chiriri occurrence in the gallery forest. Furthermore, I found no evidence for gallery forest use for roosting and/or breeding, in spite of the fact that such factors usually influence local parakeet abundance.
机译:长尾小鹦鹉通常在林冠层觅食大量和短暂的植物资源。果肉被广泛认为是这些鸟类的主要食物来源,它们经常吃种子和花蜜。在这项研究中,我评估了潘塔纳尔河洪泛平原(巴西)长廊森林的花卉和水果生产,以评估食物资源生产与普通鹦鹉(Brotogeris chiriri)的丰度之间的关系。另外,我评估了粮食资源生产与觅食活动之间的关系。长尾小鹦鹉的数量在一年中变化显着,这与花朵和果肉的大量供应相吻合。旱季后期大量使用的印加果蜜,是鹦鹉的丰收之年,是迄今为止最被鹦鹉利用最多的食物。花蜜在长廊森林中占鹦鹉鹦鹉饮食的34%(N = 131取食记录),而其余则是肉质水果。长尾小鹦鹉除棕榈果和印加杂种假种皮草外,主要利用了Cecropia pachystachya和Ficus luschnathiana的果实。觅食活动与鹦鹉的丰度之间的一致性关系,以及这些参数的波动与主要食物资源的可获得性之间的一致性,表明食物的可获得性主要影响了长廊森林中B. chiriri的发生。此外,尽管事实上这样的因素通常会影响当地的长尾小鹦鹉的数量,但我没有找到任何证据来证明他们将林场用于栖息和/或繁殖。



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