首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Journal of Biology >Extensive consumption of Tabebuia aurea (Manso) Benth. & Hook. (Bignoniaceae) nectar by parrots in a tecoma savanna in the southern Pantanal (Brazil)

Extensive consumption of Tabebuia aurea (Manso) Benth. & Hook. (Bignoniaceae) nectar by parrots in a tecoma savanna in the southern Pantanal (Brazil)

机译:大量食用Tabebuia aurea(Manso)Benth。和钩。在潘塔纳尔湿地(巴西)的热带大草原中,鹦鹉的花蜜(Bignoniaceae)



Neotropical parrots forage for various food items such as seeds, fruit pulp, flowers, young leaves, and even arthropods. While foraging, many species wander over large areas that include both open and closed habitats. In this study, I examined parrot foraging activity during a brief synchronous and massive flowering in August 1998 in a tecoma savanna (dominated by Tabebuia aurea) in the southern Pantanal. Six parrot species, ranging from the small Brotogeris chiriri to the large Amazona aestiva, foraged for T. aurea nectar, but Nandayus nenday was by far the major nectar consumer, and the results of each of their visits, like those of the other species, was damage of a substantial proportion of the existing flower crop. Parrots foraged mostly during the afternoon, when nectar concentration tended to be higher. Nevertheless, compared to bird-pollinated flowers, which produce copious nectar, T. aurea had a smaller mean nectar volume per flower. Hence, presumably the amount of damage wreaked by these parrots resulted from their efforts to obtain part of their daily energy and water requirements. Thus, the synchronous and massive flowering occurring in such a brief period in the dry season may be related to, among other factors, the necessity of satiating predators such as parrots, which are still abundant in the Pantanal.
机译:新热带鹦鹉觅食各种食物,例如种子,果肉,花朵,嫩叶,甚至节肢动物。在觅食时,许多物种在包括开放和封闭栖息地的大面积区域中徘徊。在这项研究中,我研究了1998年8月在潘塔纳尔湿地南部的TECMA稀树草原(由Tabebuia aurea占主导)的短暂同步且大量开花期间的鹦鹉觅食活动。六种鹦鹉物种,从小的Brotogeris chiriri到大型的Amazona aestiva,都为金黄色葡萄球菌的花蜜觅食,但是到目前为止Nandayus仍然是主要的花蜜消费者,他们每次造访的结果都像其他物种一样,是对现有花卉作物相当一部分的破坏。鹦鹉主要在下午觅食,此时花蜜浓度趋于升高。然而,与产生大量花蜜的鸟类授粉花相比,金黄色葡萄球菌每朵花的平均花蜜量更小。因此,据推测,这些鹦鹉造成的破坏程度是由于它们努力获得部分日常能量和水的需求而造成的。因此,在干旱季节的如此短时期内发生的同步开花和大量开花可能与除饱食食肉动物如鹦鹉的必要性有关,这些食肉动物在潘塔纳尔湿地中仍然很丰富。



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