首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Journal of Biology >Species richness of fern and lycophyte in an urban park in the Rio dos Sinos basin, Southern Brazil

Species richness of fern and lycophyte in an urban park in the Rio dos Sinos basin, Southern Brazil

机译:巴西南部Rio dos Sinos盆地城市公园中蕨类植物和苔藓植物的物种丰富度



In the northeastern region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul in Southern Brazil, specifically in the Rio dos Sinos basin, urban parks are an important alternative for the conservation of the remaining natural habitats, as well as for the maintenance and perpetuation of biodiversity. A floristic survey of fern and lycophyte species in the Parque Municipal Henrique Luís Roessler (PMHLR) (29o 41' S and 51o 06' W; alt. 16.4 m) in Novo Hamburgo, (State of Rio Grande do Sul, RS) described their life-forms, as well as substrates and preferential environments. Forty-three species, 30 genera and 15 families were found, 39 of which were ferns. The hemicryptophytes had the highest species richness (26), 17of which were repent, and nine, rosulate. Most species were found in terrestrial substrates (32) and inside the forest (29). Species richness in the PMHLR corresponded to about 13% of the total fern and lycophyte species listed for the State of Rio Grande do Sul, which demonstrates the importance of conservation areas in the Rio dos Sinos basin as an alternative to the preservation of local biodiversity.
机译:在巴西南部南里奥格兰德州东北部地区,特别是在中里约热内卢盆地,城市公园是保护其余自然栖息地以及维护和永续生物多样性的重要替代方案。对位于南里奥哈沃州(南里奥格兰德州)的Parque Municipal HenriqueLuísRoessler(PMHLR)(29o 41'S和51o 06'W;海拔16.4 m)的蕨类和藻类物种进行了植物学调查生命形式,以及底物和优先环境。共发现43种,30属和15科,其中蕨类39种。半隐生植物的物种丰富度最高(26),其中17种被pent悔,而九种呈玫瑰形。在地面基质(32)和森林内部(29)发现了大多数物种。 PMHLR中的物种丰富度约占南里奥格兰德州列出的蕨类植物和苔藓植物总数的13%,这表明里约多斯信诺斯河流域的保护区对于保护当地生物多样性具有重要意义。



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