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Circadian rhythms of retinal sensitivity in the Atlantic tarpon, Megalops atlanticus

机译:大西洋tarpon,Megalops atlanticus视网膜敏感性的昼夜节律



The Atlantic tarpon (Megalops atlanticus Valenciennes, 1847) is a visually-guided marine predator that may be active at any time in the 24-hr light-dark cycle despite dramatic changes in light intensity over the course of the day. To test the hypothesis that retinal sensitivity changes with time of day in M. atlanticus, possibly under the influence of a circadian clock, populations of fish (three populations of 6 fish per lighting treatment for two treatments = 36 fish total) were exposed to different lighting treatments and sensitivity of the retina was measured periodically by electroretinography (ERG). The intensity of light required to elicit a half-maximal ERG response was significantly greater during the day than the night in fish held in 12L:12D light-dark cycles (LD). To determine whether this cycle of retinal sensitivity is driven by an internal timekeeping mechanism, ERG was performed at 4-hr intervals over the course of 24 hrs in constant darkness (DD). Sensitivity was significantly higher during subjective night than during subjective day, though the rhythm in DD was damped relative to the cycle in LD. These results show that retinal sensitivity is much higher at night than during the day in a light-dark cycle, and that this cycle of retinal sensitivity is driven at least in part by an internal biological clock. Such endogenous timekeeping mechanisms enhance survivability by allowing organisms to anticipate change in their external environments. Rhythms of retinal sensitivity are likely important for survival by supporting prey capture, predator avoidance, and reproduction, but they may be disrupted by abnormally-timed exposure to light, including artificial light at night.
机译:大西洋(Megalops atlanticus Valenciennes,1847年)是一种视觉引导的海洋捕食者,尽管一天中的光照强度发生了巨大变化,但它仍可能在24小时的明暗循环中随时激活。为了检验这一假设,即可能在昼夜节律的影响下,大西洋大西洋支原体的视网膜敏感性随一天的时间而变化,将鱼群(每光照三个鱼群6只鱼,两次处理= 36只鱼)暴露于不同的条件下通过视网膜电图(ERG)定期测量照明治疗和视网膜敏感性。在12L:12D光暗循环(LD)中饲养的鱼中,白天引起夜间最大ERG响应所需的光强度显着大于夜间。为了确定这种视网膜敏感性循环是否由内部计时机制驱动,在恒定的黑暗度(DD)下,在24小时内以4小时的间隔执行了ERG。尽管DD的节律相对于LD的周期受到抑制,但主观晚上的敏感性明显高于主观白天。这些结果表明,在明暗周期中,夜间的视网膜敏感性要比白天的白天高得多,并且这种视网膜敏感性的循环至少部分地由内部生物钟驱动。此类内源性计时机制通过允许生物体预测其外部环境的变化来提高生存能力。视网膜敏感性节律可能通过支持猎物捕获,避免捕食和繁殖而对生存很重要,但是它们可能会因定时不定时暴露在光线下而受到干扰,包括夜间的人造光。



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