首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Medical Practitioners >REM Behavior Disorder (RBD) as an Early Marker for Development of Neurodegenerative Diseases

REM Behavior Disorder (RBD) as an Early Marker for Development of Neurodegenerative Diseases




REM behavior disorder (RBD) is a parasomnia characterized by emergence of purposeful complex motor activity with an enactment of dream related activities. This condition is associated with vivid often violent dreams. In normal adults during REM, diffuse hypotonia of muscles occur and on polysomnography the limb and chin electromyographic (EMG) channels demonstrate a low voltage or even flat signal. In RBD, the EMG demonstrating intermittent loss of electromyographic atoniais one of the criteria for diagnosis. Diagnostic polysomnographyrequire capturing the complex dream behaviors on video and electroencephalography monitoring confirms that the behavior originated out of REM sleep. RBD can be either idiopathic or symptomatic of various underlying conditions and may in fact be a prodromal symptom of neurodegenerative disease. It can present acutely which is almost always induced by medications; or develop gradually over months to years. More than half of those with RBD will eventually exhibit signs and symptoms of a degenerative neurologic disorder. A Polysomnogram (PSG) is necessary to diagnose RBD, showing absence of REM sleep atonia and related abnormal behavior.
机译:REM行为障碍(RBD)是一种失眠症,其特征是出现有目的的复杂运动活动,并伴有与梦相关的活动。这种状况与生动而经常暴力的梦有关。在正常成年人中,REM出现弥漫性肌张力低下,多导睡眠图上的肢体和下巴肌电图(EMG)通道显示出低电压甚至平坦的信号。在RBD中,表现出间歇性肌电图肌无力的EMG是诊断的标准之一。诊断性多导睡眠监测仪需要在视频和脑电图监测中捕获复杂的梦境行为,从而确认该行为源自REM睡眠。 RBD可以是各种潜在疾病的特发性或症状性疾病,实际上可能是神经退行性疾病的前驱症状。它可以急性发作,几乎总是由药物引起的。或在数月至数年内逐步发展。超过一半的RBD患者最终会出现变性神经系统疾病的体征和症状。多导睡眠图(PSG)是诊断RBD所必需的,表现为无REM睡眠失语和相关异常行为。



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