首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research >A Comparative Study of Pruritus Sine Materia in Haart Naive and Haart Experienced Patients in a Tertiary Hospital in Southern Nigeria

A Comparative Study of Pruritus Sine Materia in Haart Naive and Haart Experienced Patients in a Tertiary Hospital in Southern Nigeria




Background: Pruritus is one of the most common symptoms encountered in patients with HIV and it arises from a spectrum of dermatoses of diverse etiologies; a few are peculiar to patients with HIV while others are not. Pruritus without the presence of dermatoses (pruritus sine materia) is also common and may be severe enough to provoke sleep loss and significant psychological stress. Aim: To compare pruritus sine materia in HAART experienced and HAART naive patients in the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria. Methods: This was a comparative cross sectional study that involved 330 HAART experienced patients and 330 HAART naive patients. Patients were evaluated for idiopathic pruritus. P value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The mean age of the HAART experienced group and HAART na?ve group were 42.39± 10.1 yrs and 39.9±11.2 yrs respectively. The HAART naive population was 330 (218 females and 112 males) with a female to male ratio of 1.9:1.The HAART experienced population was 330 (247 female and 83 males) with a female to male ratio of 3:1. The median CD4 count of the HAART naive group was significantly lower than the HAART experienced group (275.5 vs 487 cells/μ p<0.01) . The prevalence of pruritus sine materia was 19(5.8%) in the HAART na?ve group and 6(1.8%) in the HAART experienced group (p<0.01). Conclusion: Pruritus sine materiae was more common in HAART naive HIV infected patients compared to HAART experienced patients.
机译:背景:瘙痒是艾滋病毒感染者最常见的症状之一,由多种病因引起的皮肤病引起。一些是艾滋病毒患者特有的,而其他则不是。没有皮肤病的瘙痒症也很常见(正弦瘙痒症),可能严重到引起睡眠不足和严重的心理压力。目的:比较尼日利亚贝宁市贝宁大学教学医院的HAART经验丰富的患者和HAART天真患者的瘙痒正弦材料。方法:这是一项比较横断面研究,涉及330位HAART经验丰富的患者和330位HAART天真患者。对患者进行特发性瘙痒评估。 P <0.05被认为具有统计学意义。结果:HAART经验丰富的组和HAART初次治疗组的平均年龄分别为42.39±10.1岁和39.9±11.2岁。 HAART天真人口为330(女性218,男性112),男女比例为1.9:1; HAART经验丰富的人口为330(247女性和83男性),男女比例为3:1。 HAART天真组的中值CD4计数显着低于HAART有经验的组(275.5对487个细胞/μp <0.01)。 HAART初治组的正弦瘙痒患病率为19(5.8%),HAART经验组的患病率为6(1.8%)(p <0.01)。结论:与HAART经验丰富的患者相比,HAART初次感染HIV的患者更容易发生正弦瘙痒。



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