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Explicit and implicit information needs of people with depression: a qualitative investigation of problems reported on an online depression support forum




Background Health management is impeded when consumers do not possess adequate knowledge about their illness. At a public health level, consumer knowledge about depression is particularly important because depression is highly prevalent and causes substantial disability and burden. However, currently little is known about the information needs of people with depression. This study aimed to investigate the explicit and implicit information needs of users of an online depression support forum. Methods A sample of 2680 posts was systematically selected from three discussion forums on an online depression bulletin board (blueboard.anu.edu.au). Data were examined for evidence of requests for information (reflecting explicit needs) and reports of past or current problems (implicit needs). Thematic analysis was conducted using a data-driven inductive approach with the assistance of NVivo 7, and instances of questions and people reporting particular types of problems were recorded. Results A total of 134 participants with personal experience of depression contributed to the data analysed. Six broad themes represented participant queries and reported problems: Understanding depression; disclosure and stigma; medication; treatment and services; coping with depression; and comorbid health problems. A variety of specific needs were evident within these broad thematic areas. Some people (n = 46) expressed their information needs by asking direct questions (47 queries) but the majority of needs were expressed implicitly (351 problems) by the 134 participants. The most evident need for information related to coping with depression and its consequences, followed by topics associated with medication, treatment and services. Conclusions People with depression have substantial unmet information needs and require strategies to deal with the difficulties they face. They require access to high quality and relevant online resources and professionals; thus, there is a need to rectify current gaps in the provision of information and limitations of dissemination. Greater knowledge about depression and its treatment is also needed at the general community level.
机译:背景技术如果消费者对自己的疾病没有足够的了解,则会妨碍健康管理。在公共卫生方面,消费者对抑郁症的了解尤为重要,因为抑郁症非常普遍,会造成严重的残疾和负担。但是,目前对抑郁症患者的信息需求知之甚少。这项研究旨在调查在线抑郁症支持论坛用户的显性和隐性信息需求。方法从一个在线抑郁公告栏(blueboard.anu.edu.au)上的三个讨论论坛中系统地选择了2680个帖子的样本。对数据进行了检查,以获取信息请求的证据(反映明确的需求)和过去或当前问题的报告(隐性需求)。在NVivo 7的帮助下,使用数据驱动的归纳方法进行了主题分析,并记录了问题实例和报告特定类型问题的人员。结果共有134位有抑郁症个人经历的参与者对数据进行了分析。六个主要主题代表了参与者的疑问并报告了问题:理解抑郁症;披露和污名;药物;治疗和服务;应对抑郁症;并存健康问题。在这些广泛的主题领域中,显然有各种特定需求。有些人(n = 46)通过询问直接问题(47个问题)来表达他们的信息需求,但是134位参与者隐式地表达了他们的信息需求(351个问题)。最明显的需求是与抑郁症及其后果有关的信息,其次是与药物,治疗和服务有关的话题。结论抑郁症患者有大量未得到满足的信息需求,因此需要采取策略来应对他们所面临的困难。他们需要访问高质量和相关的在线资源以及专业人员;因此,需要纠正目前在信息提供和传播限制方面的差距。整个社区也需要对抑郁症及其治疗有更多的了解。



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