首页> 外文期刊>British Library journal >Eight Twelfth-Century Charters from the Norman Abbey of Saint-étienne de Caen, c.1120–1204 (London, British Library, Add. Chs. 67574–67581) – A Catalogue and Commentary

Eight Twelfth-Century Charters from the Norman Abbey of Saint-étienne de Caen, c.1120–1204 (London, British Library, Add. Chs. 67574–67581) – A Catalogue and Commentary




This article provides the first comprehensive study and edition of eight original charters from the Abbey of Saint-étienne de Caen in Lower Normandy (founded by William the Conqueror in 1063), kept today in the British Library (Add. Chs. 67574–67581). These charters form part of a larger diplomatic corpus that once belonged to the Yorkshire antiquarian Thomas Stapleton (1805–49), who during the early nineteenth century acquired them from the famous Caennais citizen and local historian, Abbé Gervais de la Rue (1751–1835). So far, these documents have not attracted the scholarly attention they deserve, and only two of them have been edited and published. The present article offers a full catalogue of the charters together with a detailed analysis of each document against its historical and diplomatic background. It also takes into account other relevant and related material such as, for example, the contemporary charters from Saint-étienne preserved in the Archives départementales du Calvados and, not least, the abbey’s later twelfth-century Cartulary. Studied together in this wider chronological and material context, Add. Chs. 67574–67581 will be showcased as providing important insights into the political and economic history of one of Normandy’s most powerful, wealthy and well-connected religious institutions during the later eleventh and twelfth centuries.
机译:本文提供了下诺曼底圣埃蒂安·德卡昂修道院(由征服者威廉于1063年建立)的八份原始宪章的首次全面研究和版本,该文献今天保存在大英图书馆中(编号67574-67581) 。这些宪章构成了曾经属于约克郡古物托马斯·斯塔普尔顿(Thomas Stapleton,1805-49年)的更大外交文集的一部分,他在19世纪初从著名的Caennais公民和当地历史学家AbbéGervais de la Rue(1751-1835年)购买了这些宪章。 )。到目前为止,这些文件还没有引起他们应有的学术关注,只有其中两个被编辑和出版过。本文提供了章程的完整目录,并根据其历史和外交背景对每份文件进行了详细分析。它还考虑到其他相关的相关资料,例如保存在Calvadosdépartementalesdu Calvados档案馆中的圣埃蒂安当代宪章,以及修道院的十二世纪后的Cartulary。 Add在这种更广泛的时间和物质背景下进行了研究。频道67574–67581将被展示,以提供有关11世纪和12世纪后期诺曼底最强大,最富有和人脉最紧密的宗教机构之一的政治和经济历史的重要见解。



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