首页> 外文期刊>British Biotechnology Journal >Catalyzed Mediator-Based Decolorization of FiveSynthetic Dyes by Pleurotus ostreatus ARC280Laccase

Catalyzed Mediator-Based Decolorization of FiveSynthetic Dyes by Pleurotus ostreatus ARC280Laccase




Aim: The aim of the present study was to evaluate qualitatively the decolorization of five dyes by Pleurotus ostreatus (P. ostreatus) ARC280 using solid medium. The laccase produced by the fungus was used in terms of its concentration and thermal stability for enzymatic decolorization and also in combination with Hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT) as a redox mediator.Study Design: Qualitative evaluation of decolorization of dyes and determining the best conditions required for decolorization in the presence and absence of HBT.Place and Duration of Study: Department of Microbial Chemistry, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Division, National Research Centre (NRC), Cairo, Egypt, between January 2013 and February 2014.Methodology: P. ostreatus ARC280 fungal ability for dyes decolorization was qualitatively evaluated on solid medium containing (g/L): dye, 0.1; glucose, 10; agar, 30; 100 mL mineral solution and 100 mL wheat bran washing water obtained by boiling 50 g of wheat bran in 1000 mL of distilled water. The efficiency of decolorization was expressed in terms of decolorization percentage as follows:Decolorization (%) = [100 × (Absorbance t0 - Absorbance tf/ Absorbance t0)]Where Absorbance t0 is the absorbance at the optimum wavelength of the reaction mixture before incubation with the enzyme and Absorbance tf is the absorbance at the optimum wavelength after incubation time.Results: The enzyme was efficient in decolorizing Acid Blue C.I. 220 (100%), Dichlorophenol indophenol sodium salt D 5110 (92.6%) and Brilliant Green C.I. 42040 (78.6%) after 6 h of incubation at 30oC. In the presence of HBT (1 mM), Lanasol Red 6G was greatly affected by HBT as a laccase mediator system with decolorization percentage of 53.85% instead of 10.90 in case of laccase alone, however the enzyme could not efficiently decolorize Foron Yellow Brown S 2RFLI dye even in presence of HBT. The decolorization efficiency of all dyes was decreased by increasing reaction temperature from 30 to 50oC. The absorbance reduction at the maximum wavelength was recorded with all the tested dyes.Conclusion: The results obtained clearly confirmed the role of P. ostreatus ARC280 laccase and its mediated system in the decolorization of structurally different dyes.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是使用固体培养基定性评估平菇(P. ostreatus)ARC280对五种染料的脱色。真菌产生的漆酶在浓度和热稳定性方面都可用于酶法脱色,并与羟基苯并三唑(HBT)作为氧化还原介体结合使用。研究设计:定性评估染料脱色并确定脱色所需的最佳条件研究地点和持续时间:2013年1月至2014年2月,埃及开罗国家研究中心(NRC)基因工程与生物技术司微生物化学系。方法:P.ostreatus ARC280真菌在含有(g / L)的固体介质上定性地评价了染料脱色的能力:染料0.1。葡萄糖10;琼脂30;通过将50 g麦麸在1000 mL蒸馏水中煮沸获得100 mL矿物质溶液和100 mL麦麸洗涤水。脱色效率用脱色百分比表示如下:脱色(%)= [100×(吸光度t0-吸光度tf /吸光度t0)]其中,吸光度t0是孵育前反应混合物在最佳波长下的吸光度。酶和吸光度tf是孵育后最佳波长下的吸光度。结果:该酶对酸性蓝CI有效。 220(100%),二氯苯酚吲哚酚钠盐D 5110(92.6%)和Brilliant Green C.I.在30oC下孵育6小时后,显示为42040(78.6%)。在存在HBT(1 mM)的情况下,Lanasol Red 6G受HBT作为漆酶介体系统的影响很大,其脱色率为53.85%,而不是单独使用漆酶时为10.90,但是该酶无法有效地使Foron Yellow Brown S脱色2RFLI染料即使在存在HBT的情况下也是如此。通过将反应温度从30oC升高到50oC,所有染料的脱色效率都降低了。记录所有测试的染料在最大波长下的吸光度降低。结论:获得的结果清楚地证实了P. ostreatus ARC280漆酶及其介导的系统在结构上不同的染料脱色中的作用。



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