首页> 外文期刊>British Biotechnology Journal >The Effect of Picloram on SomaticEmbryogenesis of Different Explants ofStrawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.)

The Effect of Picloram on SomaticEmbryogenesis of Different Explants ofStrawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.)




The present investigation was conducted to study the effects of different concentrations of picloram on somatic embryogenesis induction, development and maturation of three strawberry (Kurdistan, Paros and Camarosa) cultivars. For this purpose, leaf blade, nodal, petiole, stamen and flower bud calli were cultured on MS medium supplemented with picloram at 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 mg/L concentrations. The concentration of growth regulator, cultivar and explant type were found critical to somatic embryogenesis induction, development and maturation. Results obtained from the studies revealed that all explants with the exception of petiole and stamen incubated on medium formed embryonic calli. 2 mg/L picloram yielded the highest percentage of embryonic calli and number of globular-stage embryos and 1 mg/L picloram yielded the highest number of cotyledonary-stage embryos in all types of explants. The leaf explant calli and Paros cultivar were the most responsive to produce somatic embryogenesis induction, development and maturation.
机译:本研究旨在研究不同浓度的吡咯烷对三种草莓(库尔德斯坦,帕罗斯和卡玛罗萨)品种的体细胞胚发生诱导,发育和成熟的影响。为此,将叶片,节,叶柄,雄蕊和花蕾愈伤组织在补充了浓度为0.25、0.5、1和2 mg / L的吡咯仑的MS培养基上进行培养。发现生长调节剂,品种和外植体类型的浓度对体细胞胚发生的诱导,发育和成熟至关重要。从研究中获得的结果表明,除在培养基上培养的叶柄和雄蕊外,所有外植体均形成了胚愈伤组织。在所有类型的外植体中,2 mg / L吡咯烷产生的胚愈伤组织和球状阶段胚的数量最高,而1 mg / L吡咯烷产生的子叶阶段胚的数量最高。叶外植体愈伤组织和Paros品种对产生体细胞胚发生的诱导,发育和成熟反应最灵敏。



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