首页> 外文期刊>Bothalia: African Biodiversity & Conservation >Ledebouria caesiomontana A.J.Hankey & N.Hahn (Hyacinthaceae: Hyacinthoideae): A new species from the Blouberg centre of endemism, Limpopo, South Africa

Ledebouria caesiomontana A.J.Hankey & N.Hahn (Hyacinthaceae: Hyacinthoideae): A new species from the Blouberg centre of endemism, Limpopo, South Africa

机译:Ledebouria caesiomontana A.J. Hankey和N.Hahn(风信子科:Hyacinthoideae):来自南非林波波省布劳贝格地方病中心的新物种



Background: Ledebouria Roth (Hyacinthaceae: Hyacinthoideae) is a largely African genus with, more or less, 40 species occurring in South Africa. The species was first collected in December 1990 by R. Archer [Archer, R.H. 503 (PRE)] and remained un-identified. Subsequently, N. Hahn also collected the species in 1992 [N. Hahn 444 (ZPB)] and, upon failing to resolve the identity of the specimen, he approached A. Hankey who initiated further collaborative research.Objective: To describe the new species of?Ledebouria from Blouberg mountain massif in Limpopo Province, South Africa.Method: Relevant existing specimens in herbaria were examined and morphological characters and states noted. The type specimen was collected during an expedition under the guidance of Prof. Dirk Bellstedt accompanied by Mr Adam Harrower.Results: Ledebouria caesiomontana A.J.Hankey & N.Hahn sp. nov. was described and illustrated. The new species was distinguished from its closest relative,?Ledebouria papillata S.Venter, by the ovary which lacks basal lobes, as well the absence of cataphylls and the irregular papillate ridges present only on the upper leaf surfaces.Conclusion: Ledebouria caesiomontana is a new species restricted to the Blouberg mountain massif in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Initial estimates deem the species to be vulnerable (VU D2) as a result of especially anthropogenic-induced disturbances on the Blouberg.
机译:背景:Ledebouria Roth(风信子科:Hyacinthoideideae)是一个主要的非洲属,在南非约有40种。该物种是1990年12月由R. Archer [Archer,R.H. 503(PRE)]首次收集的,至今仍未被确认。随后,N. Hahn也于1992年收集了该物种[N. Hahn 444(ZPB)],但由于无法确定标本的身份,他与A. Hankey进行了进一步的合作研究。目的:描述南非林波波省Blouberg山地块的Ledebouria新种。方法:检查草herb中相关的现有标本,并记录其形态特征和状态。在Dirk Bellstedt教授的指导下,在亚当·哈罗格(Adam Harrower)先生的陪同下,在一次远征中收集了这种类型的标本。十一月被描述和说明。新种与其近缘种Ledebouria papillata S.Venter的区别在于其子房缺乏基部裂片,也没有叶状叶和仅在上部叶片表面上出现的不规则的乳突状脊。结论:Ledebouria caesiomontana是一种新物种仅限于南非林波波省的布卢伯格山地块。最初的估计认为该物种是脆弱的(VU D2),这是由于特别是人为引起的Blouberg干扰。



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