首页> 外文期刊>Bosque (Valdivia) >Flora y vegetación de la Reserva Nacional Lago Pe?uelas, Reserva de la Biósfera, Región de Valparaíso, Chile

Flora y vegetación de la Reserva Nacional Lago Pe?uelas, Reserva de la Biósfera, Región de Valparaíso, Chile

机译:智利瓦尔帕莱索地区生物圈保护区Lago Pe?Uelas国家保护区的植物区系和植被



The National Reserve Lago Pe?uelas belongs to the National System of Protected Wild Areas, located in the Region of Valparaiso, Chile. This unit, together with the National Park La Campana, constitutes a Biosphere Reserve. The flora and vegetation of the National Reserve was studied. The study registered 163 species of vascular plants, of which 48 are new records. Considering the studies and previous reports made in situ, the floristic richness reaches 337 species, of which 72% are native; eight of them are pteridophytes, two are gimnospermae, 229 are dicotyledoneae and 98 are monocotyledoneae. This represents a high floristic diversity. Nevertheless, the high proportion of aloctonous plants indicates a relative high degree of anthropic disturbance. Fourteen species have conservation problems (two of them are threatened, eleven are vulnerable and one is data deficient). The total phytosociology of the place reports the presence of 20 plant communities, ten of which are herbaceous, seven scrub and three tree communities; of these, 12 have already been described in previous works, adding the present study eight new associations for the place. It is proposed to keep as restricted areas the sector of Los Lirios, which contains most of the threatened species, and the sector of Vega del Alamo, because of its valuable condition as a relict of the hygrophilous forest present.
机译:国家自然保护区Lago Pe?uelas属于国家野生保护区系统,位于智利瓦尔帕莱索地区。这个单位与国家公园坎帕纳一起构成了生物圈保护区。研究了国家保护区的植物区系和植被。该研究注册了163种维管植物,其中48种是新记录。考虑到原位研究和以前的报告,植物区系丰富度达到337种,其中72%是本地种。其中8种是蕨类植物,2种是裸子植物,229种是双子叶植物,而98种是单子叶植物。这代表了很高的植物多样性。然而,高比例的植物植物表明人类干扰程度相对较高。有14种物种有保护问题(其中2种受到威胁,11种是脆弱的,一种是数据不足的)。该地区的总体植物社会学报告显示有20个植物群落,其中有10个为草本植物,7个灌木丛和3个树木群落。其中,在先前的作品中已经描述了12个,为当前的研究增加了八个新的关联。提议将包含大部分受威胁物种的洛斯里里奥斯和维加德尔阿拉莫地区作为禁区,因为它作为现存的嗜湿性森林遗迹的宝贵条件。



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